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Is Trials Dying In The Uk


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Excellent to see. I think the electric bikes have given trials a real boost.

The main issue for trials is that there are just too many events and championships on throughout the year and not enough observers to go round.

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Not just observers. Top riders not supporting the nationals. The AJ this weekend has attracted 20 on the National course. Is it worth marking out sections for the top boys if they dont support these trials. (Thank you to the 20 who have supported the club, some for the last 10+years). This years trial 85% over 40ish


Maybe next year mark just one course suitable for the Novice (Clubman) rider. (These are my thoughts not the Clubs)

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This years trial 85% over 40ish



There is your answer?


Great to see the kids though and this is where we must encourage, but the reality is a lot different they disappear when they get older?

Edited by gizza5
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Yes, that is true of many sports. There are maybe 70 youngsters in that photo, would be surprising to me if a dozen of them are still involved in a decade's time. Nothing wrong with that, people develop and change interests quickly when so many pursuits are accessible.

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Not just observers. Top riders not supporting the nationals. The AJ this weekend has attracted 20 on the National course. Is it worth marking out sections for the top boys if they dont support these trials.

I feel it's down to cost nowadays. We do a lot of nationals. It's now £25 entry for most. Fuel for van and bike say £60. That's just the basics so you are easily over £100 per national.

Then the British championship has become a 2 day affair to add even more cost.

But the main thing is there's virtually one big event every weekend!!!

so I think riders are becoming more selective. These young riders have family lives to fit in as well.

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We have a big membership but keeping kids and young adults is a problem.


I've said it before as long as they're making more over 40s we're in with a shout.


I've felt for a while trials needs a change of direction,the rules,all the classes,routes,walking sections i's such a guddle.


Must be a simpler way?

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Club trials - easy sections

Centre trials - testing sections

National trials - hard sections


Trouble is club trials still worried about taking marks of expert riders and club riders giving up after 555555 or I have to go to work on Monday sections. 


This same problem in Pre 65, Twinshock and modern events. It's not the lack of riders it is the people marking out who are the problem.

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Club trials - easy sections

Centre trials - testing sections

National trials - hard sections

Trouble is club trials still worried about taking marks of expert riders and club riders giving up after 555555 or I have to go to work on Monday sections.

This same problem in Pre 65, Twinshock and modern events. It's not the lack of riders it is the people marking out who are the problem.

It's the opposite here. A local club official asked me why they are getting very poor entries lately. They have been making their trials easier to attract beginners which worked for a while. Then the beginners got bored with the poor sections and went elsewhere. The good riders had already given up so they are struggling now.

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I am down in the South Eastern centre, ( England ) we have multi route trials at all events from club trials, group trials right up to centre championships.

It is a lot of work for the CofC of which I am proud to say I am one ( Try doing it before you moan about the trial you have just ridden ) but it does mean there is a route to suit every ability, age and bike being ridden.

I understand that some clubs may only lay out one route but if that is the case get out there and help on a Saturday and put in the deviations to make the route you want, we are a tiny sport that needs more involvement, you never know you may even enjoy it !

We are very lucky here, if you belong to a couple of clubs you could ride virtually every weekend of the year, our biggest problem if we are to continue with proper trials is the thorny subject of observers, so if you don't want to help layout how about trying the observer role a couple of times a year, again you may find it almost as good as riding and is always appreciated.

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as a newcomer at the ripe old age of 52

I would say costs bike gear fuel places to ride but trialing is not alone in dwindling numbers as is the case with football rugby cycling running angling especially the match variety.

thing is your competing against playstation xbox and this kind of entertainment kids these days and quite a few adults I might add are quite happy to spend there entire free time in front of a 40 telly playing the latest call of duty against there online friends and enemys screaming abuse down a mic and teabagging each other.[a online ritual were one online player pretends to drop his ballbag on a equally fat spotty fool he has just shot in an online game while taunting him] yip online computer gamming the death nell to true enjoyment.

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I was going to click the like button... but I really don't like it! I do unfortunately agree whole heartedly - very sad state of affairs. I am Pretty sure my 17 yr old thinks that going outside is some sort of warped punishment that I dreamt up to ruin his life.

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