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Noob Enduro Guy Cross Training With Trials


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Hi Guys,


I have been riding Enduro for the past 20 years.  I've always wanted to do some cross training with trials, but never got around to getting a trials bike to play with.


my current Enduro ride is a Beta 300rr,  and I'm picking up a Beta Rev3 (2002) this weekend as my entry into the trials world.  I live in an area on NJ where the terrain really lends itself to trials, in fact most of our single track trails are better suited for a trials bike than a full on Enduro bike and that's the way we like it!


I've been watching the video Barry Morris has been putting out and it really lit the fire for me to get started (crosstrainingenduro.com).....so of course I have a  lot of questions:


  1. buying the Rev 3 knowing nothing about it other than it's a Beta...anything to look out for?  (I'm getting it cheap so I expect it will need some TLC)
  2. I never really seem trials guys wearing much for protective gear?  on the Enduro bike I've got everything on..chest protector, Sidi Crossfires boots, CTI knee braces, elbow guards...tool pack...drink system....etc...etc...  and I would never think of swinging my leg over the Enduro bike without all that gear.  The reason I'm getting into trials is to improve my technical skills in extreme rocky conditions so I aspire to try things that I would not normally attempt on my enduro bike (eventually)  but can't imagine doing it without all my protective gear (at least not at the age of 46)  so the question is am I going to be able to effectively ride trials with all that stuff on?
  3. I know this will vary greatly depending on terrain and speed, but what is the general range of the Rev3 fuel tank.  I'm going to setup a practice loop out of my house, but occasionally I'll probably want to ventrue a little further to some other areas

Thanks for any advice,









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Gear - regular moto/enduro pants/shirt/gloves work, I just wear small/thin knee/shin guards, trials boots are really a must, all that other gear will be too restrictive for proper body movement

mileage -  depends on a lot of factors but maybe 15-17 miles if you want more get a tank that mounts on the front forks and feeds into the main tank


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thanks for the info.  I'll be ordering some trials boots, but I think I'm going to have to stick with the knee braces at least for now.  I've had a couple surgeries on my left knee and don't want ANY more.  will the moto helmet work, or will I be needing an open face?

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Stay within 5 miles or so on fuel burn till you get an estimate. 3 quarts don't last if running hard.

Thin trials gloves work well, or Mechanix ones in the cheap. Good tactile feedback on the clutch and brake is important, one finger on each all times.

I run knee braces, but patella cup and elbows are done with youth sized smaller ones on the outside. Specially on the rocks!

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm in the exact same position as you. Been ride enduro for years, 1st on a CRF450R then and still on my 2014 Husaberg TE300. Just bough a Sherco Factory 300 trials bike and am loving the transition so far. Hasn't been an easy transition so far though, its way tougher that I thought it would be to stand and go slow. I started a video series to tack my progress and as a tool for others to share feedback as well as enjoy laughing at me. 

Good luck with your new machine and your transition to slow and purposeful riding. 

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