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Any Breaking News?


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Just on the subject of Ossa/Gas Gas tangled financial affairs, anyone have any news on the situation? i know GG is shot, but regarding Ossa.

Seems a shame to have this marque go down so soon after manufacturing a revolutionary bike. 

Checked out TRS, looks very nice, but bit staid and really old hat. (even Del orto carb)

Vertigo looks good and i guess will be, but not quite a game changer, mainly Fi is the difference, and the lattice type frame.

Think will sell very well though, especially with the personnel developing the bike.

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I think Ossa was already on dodgy ground way before it merged with gasgas, hence the merging. Personally id rather have an amal than the FI that was on the ossa. 


I find it rather funny that a few things that were tried on the jotagas (mainly the sided rear shock) have been dropped by the TRS. Those kind of things on the JTG and ossa have been tried numerous times before and failed. Theres a reason those things are "staid" and "old hat"

Edited by faussy
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I'm the first to say I can't stand carbs... EFI will always provide way better fueling if done right. But high maintenance? I put 120 hours on my Beta and never touched the carb. I've got 62 hours on my Sherco, never touched the carb. I don't particularly plan to... I just blow enough fuel through it on a regular basis and it seems happy enough.

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Suppose it depends on where you ride, if wet muddy etc, and after jet washing your bike. If you've done that amount of time on bike without stripping carb, imagine how well it would run if cleaned properly!!!

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I like carbs on my off road 2T bikes, I like EFI on my road car. "Horses for courses" etc.


I can fix my carb on the fell with a 50 p screwdriver, To fix my cars EFI I need a pile of tools, a laptop and £1400 of diagnostics gear and if even a small part is faulty it will probably cost more than a complete new Dellorto.

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Well Mike, you can have more than one bike! i bet most on here with their betabob, shercosteve handle are not on same bikes now!!

Anyway Mark, (Gizza5) how's things? not spoke in a long while, the search button does not tell me anything much, so thought i would post to see if anything new going on.


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I gather OSSA just need some tooling to get going again. Getting it out of the GasGas factory is the problem. The Side Suspension of the JTG works pretty well but feels a bit "soft". I don't think Ross Danby would complain about it.  As for EFI we have spent so much time adjusting carbs to low and high level trials anything that helps will be appreciated. Especially if it cleans up the running.


Essentially it's cost and what the market will stand. My thoughts on the TRS are that it is a "safe" design and as such many will feel comfortable with it. That allows TRS to get some momentum going and allow them to develop as they go. I believe that now there is a working EFI system all the makers will be looking at it. Cooling using the electric pump will be the next target for development.


As such nobody worries about Sherco's petrol tank/ air filter swop any more and that and the OSSA can "swim" better than any other bike I know. Vertigo's setup is similar so it looks like it works and has other advantages for weight distribution.

Edited by telecat
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How things are progressing or not is only going to be known when we actually get official press releases.

If you believe what is written on a forum you will no doubt be getting mainly guesswork!

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Ossa dont make anything (apart from debt) , they just have lads assembling bought in parts like the rest of them . Ive been to the factory a few times and the seperate competition dept .They've never had any tooling. 


The TRS is safe because thats what they planned and that thats what most people want. GasGas was safe. Sherco is safe, Scorpa is safe. Ossa wasnt and they were finished as a potentially profitable company the day it was designed and certainly after gearbox and starting problems. The JTG side shock got forum members here fretting like old women. You dont get any old women fretting about GasGas rear suspension do you .


You see .... most of you need safe.You like the idea of radical ....but get scared when your about to open your wallet.


The TRS crew considered EFI but JT was against it . He didnt like the feel. Personally i dont trust it lasting . My experience is that it can also be to sharp off the bottom. That saying .....i did like the smooth Ossa power ....but not the unreliability. I was offered a brand new Magnesium framed model at the factory for silly low money ...but said no because of the risk of big big issues.


The TRS was designed locally by JT and Mecatecno's Jordi Mila.

The TRS magneto windings are attached to the inside of the casing.

The prototype TRS i rode had never seen before trials bike features on it. They might feature in future years.....but personally i dont think they were needed and just increased build cost and this has to be considered. 


Good luck TRS. I think it will do well.....because it is safe.

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James, I agree to an extent, but I want to ride a bike I like, and enjoy. I suppose there is a fair few that want the "safe" option. I personally think the ossa is one of the best bikes I've ever ridden. I genuinely enjoy time on this machine more than any other I have ridden !!

That's why I really want to find out if this manufacturer will ever get off the ground again?

Yes the starting has been a problem, and I've had gearbox trauma, but I would like to stick with this bike if it survives, which I'm not sure it will?

Sometimes cost and safe don't go hand in hand with emotion... Blimey I feel all philosophical....

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