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Montesa 4Rt Computer Map Access


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I am thinking about getting a Montesa, (coming from an OSSA) but I am wondering about accessing the computer on the bike. Is this something that the 'end user' is not supposed to do? Can we/end-user plug into it and monitor engine temp or change what temp the fan comes on or see how many hours are on the bike or swap maps out etc? What are the limits? Do we have to pay for software for this? Can any local Honda dealer switch maps or tell how many hours are on the bike?

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ignition mapping and fuel mapping are changeable with in tolerances if you have a Programmable throttle body on your bike. Maps are available on line etc. Software and leads come up for auction or can be bought new. If anybody local would probably do for you if you ask nice. 

Have a search on the Montesa forum - lots of info.

Temp/fan/run hours  etc not adjustable/available as far as I know. 

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Hi Sweetgas,

I'd be surprised if that information was not stored. However, even with all the cables and the PGM-FI warning unit assembly, the system is not as user friendly as the Ossa. Most of the later ECU's on the 4RT are not re-mappable. The PGM-FI warning unit simply blinks error codes and you look them up in the manual to see what the (possible) fault is.

It is not like the Ossa K-Scan software where you can see all the various parameters and (the best bit) use the diagnostic page to turn things on and off such as the fan, fuel pump, fuel injector, spark plug, etc.

However, after saying all that, I think the 4RT starts and runs much better with the standard mapping than the Ossa ever does.


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