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Used Classic Bike Prices


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Ebay isnt always what it seems, a couple of people I know sell quite a bit of stuff after the auction has finished,having had no bids...

Some of the bikes are not what they seem either,a mate has just bought an "immaculate,needs nothing" bike - looked amazing in the pics. The engine is already apart for major work, having not even done a single trial. :angry:

As with most things I think the only way is to treat each item as an individual case and contact the buyer,go and look - then make up your mind if its worth bidding on.

I also think some trade sellers continually advertise high prices, just to drag them up in peoples minds.

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Ebay isnt always what it seems, a couple of people I know sell quite a bit of stuff after the auction has finished,having had no bids...

Some of the bikes are not what they seem either,a mate has just bought an "immaculate,needs nothing" bike - looked amazing in the pics. The engine is already apart for major work, having not even done a single trial. :angry:

As with most things I think the only way is to treat each item as an individual case and contact the buyer,go and look - then make up your mind if its worth bidding on.

I also think some trade sellers continually advertise high prices, just to drag them up in peoples minds.



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  • 3 weeks later...

If i had a time machine id go back and stop that first pre 65 trial. Thats where it started to go wrong. Next stage was incorporating a class for them in centre trials round here which became known as the easy course. Then it became pre 65 or twin shock , then it became anyone who didn't fancy the middle route.

Roll forward 20 years we now have people on a 2015 bike complaining a section you could clean on an ossa mar is too hard. The middle and harder routes have progressed but the gap between each course is immense. Hard course riders try harder stuff easy course is going backwards and the middle course is lost in the middle making 3 route trials a pain to mark out.

Manufacturers go bust as new bikes are too expensive while people fall over themselves to spend £5k or more on a replica that looks like 50 year old bike.

The original idea was good but its created more problems than it solved, yesteryears best riders often still win and you cant drag an old bike out and be competitive.

Madness. And now i know who to blame

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Manufacturers go bust as new bikes are too expensive while people fall over themselves to spend £5k or more on a replica that looks like 50 year old bike.



That’s very true, but it probably say more about the state of modern trials rather than the classics!


The classic bike prices are getting ridiculous, but if you shop around you can still get a well-priced classic.

Edited by suzuki250
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Lots of issues Ross, but you didn't need pre 65 to solve the issue that started pre 65 and led to everything since. You can't unpick it now but we have groups of people at either end of an ability spectrum with no time for each others requirements. More sections / fewer laps allowing greater range of sections would have been better. Trying to mark a trial out where the best riders are on the most capable bikes and the least capable turn up on 30 - 50 year old bikes makes no sense. Obviously some on older bikes are very capable but dont want to lose marks ??

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Nostalgia is now a single route, very success (IMO) as the gap between state of the art pre66, and fairly standard twin shocks is marginal. However, the chasm between these and current bikes makes a single route a compromise to far.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I have considered a few Bultacos but the have either been to far to look at, misdescribed or a pile of crap for the money.

Regarding classic Japanese 4 cylinder road bikes there seems to be no real reason for the price differences. Some go for £5k plus whilst others that only need a few £hundred or maybe £1k to bring them up to immaculate struggle to reach £1.5 to £2k.

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