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Hi From The Proper North

big kat

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Hi Folks,

I spent a bit of time in the mid 90's going to trials with a few mates, did a bit of observing, took a few photos and had the odd ride at practice days.

I'm back, I took some pics at my first trial for years on Sunday but sadly I can't post a link to my Facebook page on here to share them.

I'm hoping to get a bike in the next couple of months, and hope to be out on some easy courses buy the back end of next year.




aka Big Kat

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Hi big Kat and welcome back to the sport, were you the guy taking the photos on the last section at Belford if so I wouldn't mind seeing them but I'm not on Facebook so if you get round to uploading them give me a pm and I will watch out for them. :thumbup:  

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