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Vertigo Now For Sale .....


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Its not that expensive really if you compare to the factory replicas from beta sherco and the discontinued gas gas. Best suspension front and back, fuel injection, electric water pump etc. Its a lot for a trials bike but you get a lot less from the other manufacturers for £750 less. Cheaper than a mont ??

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O.K. you are talking N.Z. dollar, I make that about 2500 dollar cheaper which equates to £1100 which I have got to admit is still a massive saving.

Our price would include 20% VAT (value added tax) do you have any national or local taxes to add ? If not then you are very lucky, Tax is the killer over here.

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Yes we pay gestapo tax 15% but our wages are not as good as other countries, eg Auz , as we only have 3.5 million people,,, we have a lot off tree monkeys here that don' work ,they   take but do no give ,if you see what i mean,lol.

So when you work here its a hard slog to get things, for me have no kids have lots of toys in my shed work hard pays off and ride every week end .

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Yes we have a tax 15% as we are a small island have around 3.5m people , 1.5 ish  ml work, the rest live of us the working, our money is not strong not as good as the Auz $ if it was bikes would be cheap but that life i live in the best place in the world have done a lot of tripping around the world lived in the UK for 2 years  home is here i'm lucky have 3x trials bikes a new ktm 300  as they say a great life 

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Hello again wakka, so does that 10500 include the 15 % ?

You are right you do live in a wonderful place my wife and I toured both islands a couple of years ago in a camper best holiday we have ever had, we are stuck in the U.K. due to family otherwise we would love to move over. Have you been to a place called Geraldine ? that is heaven compared to South London !

Grass is always greener and all that!

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