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I am considering to go for a montesa 4rt but theirs a problem.I have had a go on the 2014 montesa 260 cota but i haven't had a go on any of the new models. I know montesa are great bikes their very reliable and so on. Is the cota rr worth £8400 and is the repsol worth £7000.  Is it worth going the extra money and going for the repsol over the standard cota. 

The only other bike i have considered is the new sherco 250 2 stroke which i have test rode 

I have owned 2 strokes which where both sherco but i am willing to learn how to get used to a 4rt

many thanks

 I thought the 2014 montesa cota 260 was great as well as the new sherco

Edited by dwb5151
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i know the montesa is bullet prove but i am worried about adjusting to it and grip. But the new models come with the maping and apparently the grip is unbelievable now so i am very considering going for one. But i dont mind learning to adjust on how to ride a 4 stroke. This bike is mainly for my son he is a very good rider for his age he currently rides a sherco 290 2011 which he likes but he hates the rear fuel tank.  He is very interested in a 4t he would be happy with the new standard montese or the new sherco. Would be younger make it easier to adjust to a 4 stroke

many thanks

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I believe younger can help for some, however I think its really more about what your willing to put in.  I ride my wife's Gas Gas 125 2T from time to time and don't feel I have a huge adjustment between it and my 4RT.  Now, I am not saying there isn't adjustments that need to be accounted for because their is.  An example is the engine braking on my 07 4RT is much more pronounced and I have a tendency to pull the clutch in a bit more as a result, this doesn't affect my riding when on the 2T, however going the other way I could see not pulling in the clutch in could.  


I don't ride top level stuff so this is an intermediate riding with aspirations to start riding advanced in the next year so take it for what it is.  


The best thing to do is if you can attend an event and see if a few people would be willing to let you and your son ride one to see what you thing.


Best of luck.

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Yea i have been attending events but with recent weather ie it being to wet hardly anyone turns up. My son rides his bike every weekend and in summer all the time.he had a go on a 2014 montesa cota which he thought was great but this was on tarmac not wet muddy ground.  He said it just rides like a 2 stroke but more sippery which he likes.

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Yea but is it worth that amount of money like the standard cota £5500 the repsol £7000 we all thought the repsol was expensive. Dont get me wrong it looks great but the price of the standard model and the quality you couldnt go far wrong . The main problem is theres no place where you can get a test ride on the 300r

This is in my opinion


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