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Remembrance Sunday


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Here in the south west of England there are no trials meetings held on Remembrance Sunday.  However, in other parts of the country they are - North Lincs and Stanley, to name but two.  There are also 1st Division football matches held and rugby too - I believe.  Many other sporting events are also taking place.  So I wonder if now, after 70 years have passed since the end of the Second World War, trials meetings should once again take place on Remembrance Sunday?   This should include a respectful period of silence at 11AM, to remember those that fell.  What do you think?

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The absence of trials on Remembrance Sunday has in itself become a tradition which has its own long standing history. I don't think I've heard anyone clamouring to change it. 


What about the 2 advertised for today on the TC Home page?


But I do agree with Big John, we should respect the fallen

Edited by suzuki250
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It's a mark of respect by a whole sport and people take note of that. I personally feel we should continue to leave the remembrance Sunday in place, run an event on the Saturday by all means.

It would be most embarrassing at best to arrive on a landowners land to ride motorcycles, when the landowner and his/her family are at church or taking part in a remembrance parade?

We have enough working against our sport, without drawing unwanted attention to us on remembrance Sunday.

Finally, there were a number of trials riders who fought in the wars and sadly did not return to compete. We should respect that at the very least.

Big John

100% agree

Not a lot ask is it, in this 24/7 society

We can trial 51 other Sundays

Also it goes back to Trials starting at 11am, the very moment when the 2mins silence is observed

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Here in the south west of England there are no trials meetings held on Remembrance Sunday. However, in other parts of the country they are - North Lincs and Stanley, to name but two. There are also 1st Division football matches held and rugby too - I believe. Many other sporting events are also taking place. So I wonder if now, after 70 years have passed since the end of the Second World War, trials meetings should once again take place on Remembrance Sunday? This should include a respectful period of silence at 11AM, to remember those that fell. What do you think?

Remembrance Sunday isn't just about those who gave their life in the 1st and 2nd world wars, it's also about those who have lost their lives in all wars and conflicts since.



Edited by jj65
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Thanks for confirming, was just thinking about it this weekend. I remember reading the reports in Motor Cycle as a schoolboy in the days when it was in mid Wales, which seemed to show the unique atmosphere of the event with great streambed sections and memorable names for each group.

Sorry to divert from the original theme of this thread.

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