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Honda Running Problems


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Hey guys,


Wondering if anyone can shed some light on a running problem i'm having, the bike is a 1983 TLR200.


I have recently did an engine top end minor rebuild on her, she's all back up and running, well sort of running.............


What's happening is she starts and runs for say 20 seconds then shuts off, ive checked the timing marks and they look all good, I did the valve adjustments to spec, what I did do a while back is change the float level as the carb kept emptying itself when the fuel top was open.


Does anyone know if this sounds like an electrical or fuel problem??


Thanks for any and all help

Cheers Dave


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  • 2 weeks later...

Sounds like under fueling to me, such that when you start the engine it uses whatever fuel has collected in the bowl until it runs out and then stops, float bowl then fills up again with engine off and you get another 20sec burst and the cycle repeats.


May be blocked jet or insufficient fuel feed into carb. That's certainly where I would start as I had similar with my TLR250 (turned out to be old fuel gumming up the works on mine as it had been idle for a long period where it would start fine and then falter and die and certainly wouldn't take any real throttle demand).

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