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just watched rounds 5-6 duluth on dvd ,awsome ,some of the observing was a bit questionable ,i thought if you paddle your way through a section it was a 5 but they were giving 2-3s but apart from that what a great dvd,they actually show you the whole section not like the duke world trials dvd , they show you the landscape,the pits and a few seconds of the section ,not very good .they should have filmed the whole of the worlds at hwakstone park and released it on dvd, but it will probably be a few minutes on the next world trials championship 05 ,what do you reckon. lewis

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Yeah I agree. Totally awesome coverage. I got both 2004 and 2005 sets from duluth. It's too bad they can't arrange the same coverage on the other world rounds.. But I guess travelling around the world with atleast 4 guys doesn't come cheap.

The observing was questionable at some times, but we need to remember that observing so many riders, for so long, for two days adds upp some stress and you're bound to make bad calls. So more observers. Somebody was taking atleast 7 dabs and still only gets 2 points... :/ Bike gliding backwards 2-3feet and still no five..

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I've said it before, but it bears repeating...

Rather than criticize the observing, get out and volunteer to observe. It's a very difficult task for the organizers to come up with that many qualified people who want to spend their weekend standing out in the rain watching only one section...

(This from the perspective of having observed at the 3 Duluth world rounds...)

-- Regards,

Bentley Wolfe

Senior Escalation Engineer, Flash






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I am still waiting for my copy, But yes I would not want to get into a errrr heated discussion with Dougie or his Dad. However, I have volunteered to pick up trash , clean port o lets , whatever. Being an observer at a wtc round is an awesome task.

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