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Raising The Profile Of Trials


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Sitting watching the sports personality of the year annual show and not one mention of the achievements of our ladies in trials on the world stage . Emma Bristow Ladies world champion and our ladies winning the Trials des Nations again .. ACU pull your finger out and raise the profile of our sport , as the governing body it falls as part of your mandate to promote and raise awareness of the sport of Trials and what better platform than this programme, let's see if the ACU can do better next year !!!!

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Thanks Spike for knocking the ACU - I wonder exactly how much YOU put into the sport when compared to the huge volume of work that the vast majority of ACU club officials do to simply get a local trial off the ground.


Whilst it would be great to acknowledge Emma's efforts and also those of her two compatriots at the Women's Trial des Nations on the BBC SPOTY, what exactly would that have achieved. Would it have attracted more riders into the sport, would it have attracted more individuals to go out in all weathers and mark out a trial, would it have enthused more people to take up the paperwork mantle which is behind every trial, would it have generated somebody to spend hours of their unpaid personal time liasing with the RAC, government and Forestry Commission to ensure that motorcycle events can continue to run in the forests and would it have created the newly announced road traffic act insurance that now covers ALL UK riders and officials to be legally covered whilst they are organising or riding a trial on the road.


No is the answer to all those points; being on SPOTY , much I would have liked to see it featured, if only momentarily, has absolutely no bearing on what happens within our sport. Simple as that, Spike.


As an aside, I saw John McGuinness with the Dunlops in the audience and he was not mentioned either, even though they are probably the only sportspersons who genuinely risk their lives to compete in their chosen sport.



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The promotion of trials has nothing to do with the acu

It's it's almost exclusively down to the riders

I think there's quite a few reasons it's hard to get people interested

The bikes for starters

They are not fun for much else other than trials , so folk won't buy them for a bit of fun and move on to what they are really designed for

From a spectator point

If you watch world indoor /outdoor it is more spectacular than the norm but not many people watching other than current riders will think " yeah ill have a crack at that"

But watch an average club trial and I think most will think ,dare I say , boring

Yes it is probably one of the cheapest forms of motorsport , but you can't just jump on a trials bike and do exciting stuff

But people that can ride a bike can jump on a road bike , motocross , enduro and wizz round at thrilling speeds with little effort

And not spend hour upon hour falling off and trying again

Those of us the already participate know what it's about and the sense of achievement

Historically it's usually family or close friends the are introduced into the sport because they get a better understanding what it's about

To promote and get people involved outside the sport is an uphill struggle , tv or not

The acu dont itroduce friends family to the sport , the riders do

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As an aside I'm thinking Motorcycle trials must have the highest numbers of participants of any motorsport in the UK.


i suppose it is pretty insulting not to have a few seconds on the Beeb once a year.


Don't suppose many riders really care mainly because all they want to do is play on there bikes.


A weekend out of trials is a weekend out of life.

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Hillary I have obviously hit a raw nerve , and I take on board all of your comments re "What ACU does on behalf of trials in negotiations with third parties" however you miss the point that an opportunity like SPOTY would have been great to show case the sport given the current world class standings of our Women trials riders .., Oh and by the way the negotiating done by ACU is no different to that of any other govering body in a given sport and all sports have people dedicated to helping events take place for zero monetary return so trials is not unique in that respect .. I reiterate that perhaps going forward ACU can negotiate with the BBC to include trials if we produce world champions again in 2016

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Following the comments of toneh, the venue selected for the British round of the 2016 WTC will require significant work in order to install a course suitable for the competition, which I have no doubt whatsoever will be very competently achieved.


However considerable thought needs to be given to the fact that the obstacles will need to be modified immediately after the event in order to make it safe for 'wannabees' who will certainly want to test their skill level against what they will have seen.


That could so easily result in significant injury which would render the sport very liable to intense adverse publicity on the gogglebox as well as all the social networks..............hardly the sort of publicity that would promote our image.


Chris is looking Forward to the Sections being left in situ! Should make practice days more interesting. THe next Club trial there could be a cracker too!


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Don't get me going on this one...................................pead off with pozzy football and other boring sports, agree 'Raise the Profile Of Trials'

The BBC have also scrubbed the F1 coverage aswell - TW_TS!!!!!!

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The promotion of trials has nothing to do with the acu

It's it's almost exclusively down to the riders..


I disagree - The  promotion of trials is down to the governing body (ACU) and other interested parties i.e The manufacturers/importers/suppliers who gain from the sales of their products. 


The ACU at the top level could do more to promote motorcycle riders and surely no one can disagree with that? 


Can you see the irony in this comment from Hillary -" As an aside, I saw John McGuinness with the Dunlops in the audience and he was not mentioned either, even though they are probably the only sportspersons who genuinely risk their lives to compete in their chosen sport."   

Edited by atomant
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I've never heard such vitriol for a guy that just wants a bit of recognition for the lads&lasses who have achieved at world class level and yes the offials at the acu should do more to promote our fabulous sport.

You'll get used to it ......

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I'm not sure if I'm even on the right track with this topic

Is the issue not recognising rider achievement or not promoting a sport

Unfortunately some sports and top participants in said sports don't get airtime , coverage, or promotion that some participants think it should get

There's many sports in which we've had word champions in yet no one ever hears about it

Or really cares

You do your chosen sport for yourself and your own goals

Yes recognition for your efforts is always a bonus but unfortunately it's not always there

If it's about promotion of the sport I still stand by my comments you can put as much as you like on TV or in the press and it's still only gonna appeal to a limited amount

Go through a list of top riders in the UK or world and look how many come from families or friends that participated in trials beforehand

I think very few came into the sport through promotional means

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