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Classic Trials


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Stiched up.... Here goes,it would help us a bit if you told us a bit more of your previous experience,what sort of trials and what sort of bikes ? Around the South West,Devon esp - the South West Classic Trials Association is a good start.Heading north a bit Somerton Classic MCC are top notch at welcoming newcomers,esp with British bikes.

The main point I would make is that Pre Unit trials bikes don't come up for sale that often - and rarely are fit for immediate use,despite what the ad states.So you really need a well equipped workshop and skills to use them.Or know someone who can sort it out for you.Had you considered a Tiger Cub or C15/B40 to get you going ?

Please don't think I'm trying to put you off,successfully riding a Pre 65 big banger is a VERY rewarding and satisfying thing to do. But you have to really want to do it.

I'm not going to say anything about money,it tends to influence peoples choices, I just chose to do it and make sure my income is capable of funding it...

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Hi Guy's.


Now Gav, I think you live in one of  the best parts of the country, as Jon has said for clubs that are Classic trials bike friendly.


I don't know what bike you are considering getting, But although I class the bike a "Britshock Classic" trials bike and a lot more Pre65 than most bikes in this class,

A well put together BSA "Otter" could be a good first bike.


They perform well if put together sensibly, and without all the bling fitted on a lot more bikes in the same class, cost a lot less than others that come onto the market.


Like Jon said you will have to pay a lot more for a Matchless and it will not be trial ready, and if it is, you will again be in the mega bucks arena. And it will cost a lot more to maintain.


OK it may be worth more money but, you must decide what you want from the sport.


Merry Christmas Charlie.



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Also consider a Villiers powered two stroke, you really ought to go to a few trials maybe as an observer, talk to riders and if possible get a ride on a few bikes but please remember a bike can feel very different to ride if set up better/worse if you see what I mean.

Edited by trialsrfun
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Also consider a Villiers powered two stroke, you really ought to go to a few trials maybe as an observer, talk to riders and if possible get a ride on a few bikes but please remember a bike that can feel very different to ride if set up better/worse if you see what I mean.

NO ! Not the dark side.  :barf:  

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Hi Gav, if your in Devon on the 27th, come along to the start of the West of England MC Xmas Trial 27th 10.00am-ish Rising Sun pub car park - Woodland, nr Ashburton. Should be a good turn out of twinshocks & p65's


Cheers Chris

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HI Jon,


I have a photo of a man in a recent trial with a Villiers TWIN in a trials bike - now that is not only the dark side - IT'S PITCH BLACK...............................

That would be John Griffin,he has made a nice job of that Greeves,and rides it well. After therapy he has now seen the light and has nearly finished building a rigid Matchless. :thumbup:

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