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Mr Broon's Big Five O Charity Trial 21St Of February,kidlaw,east Lothian


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For my 50th birthday I'm organising a charity trial at Kidlaw ,East Lothian.It will be the Lothian trials Club first

trial of the year.Sunday the 21 st of February 10a.m. for a 10.30 start(have to sort out teams)Being an auld bugger

its going to be twinshock and pre 65 event,but don't despair monos and modern bikes are all welcome" Its for Charity".

the idea is to make riders of monos/modern have an uneven number and riders of twinshock/pre 65's even numbers,

then the numbers will get drawn out of two hats and that would make up your riding partners/team(if 40 modern

and 20 twinshock/pre 65 enter that would make teams of 3(2 monos and 1 twinshock/pre 65)).It will be 4 laps of 10

sections an A and B route plus a couple of greens for the more experienced riders who like a wee challenge.Its going

to have a Hawaiian theme(Hawaii 5 O),riders who enter in the spirit of the event will get marks deducted from their

final score e.g. wearing a Hawaiian shirt 5 marks of your final score,garlands another 5(maximum of 10 marks).Its in

aide of MacMillan cancer support  B) .

cheers the noo Brian


P.S. there will be plenty of cake and sweets/biscuits

Edited by broony
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Thanks for the kind offer Deryk,the club I ride with(Lothian Trials Club) had an event a couple of

years back and raised a bit for MacMillan.Also I rode in the Robbie Allan 50/50 trial part of the

Robbie Allan 50/50 memorial event in 2014 a great event for a worthwhile cause again Macmillan

which raised £28000 from the weekend  :)  :)  :) .I'll be in touch.

 cheers the noo Brian

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

A wee update for Sunday's charity trial.here is a list of sponsors who have kindly donated for the riders draw

Putoline Oil - www.putoline.co.uk has donated a case of chainlube.

SGS Trialsport - 01337 860255 has donated some trials essentials.

ORM+ Trials port - 07831403073 has also donated some trials essentials.

Border Bikes - 01361883008 has donated a £50 voucher.

Mickey Oates - 01413327374 has also donated some goodies.

Michelin UK have donated a signed podium cap signed by Stan Woods.

East Nuek Trials - 07774103598 has kindly donated a pair of Stylmartin Boots and a Mots carbon Helmet.

Entry for the event is £12 which includes an entry in the riders draw,good luck all who enter the event.

And a huge thank you to those that have kindly donated for the draw .

 cheers the noo Brian

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