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Another Pinking Beta


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I have had a 2005 Rev 3 250cc for about 4 months now and have been plagued with pinking problems for a long time.

Before I start playing with the carb can someone tell me the standard setting for the mixture screw(mine is just over one turn out) and what size the standard jets are for this bike?

It also seems the engine is hunting for fuel

If they are ok would adding octane booster to the petrol help cure it.

Thanks in advance for any info


AS :)

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Another thing I should mention Re: my pinking problem is that I had another carb slide in the box of bits that came with my Rev 3.

I now have slides with a 2.0 and a 3.0 cutaway.Anyone know which is the standard one.I could just try them to see the difference but the carb is such a B*****d to keep taking off.

Any info once again greatly received.

Many Thanks

AS :)

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I could just try them to see the difference but the carb is such a B*****d to keep taking off.

Not sure how you're doing it but the Beta's carb is the easiest and quickest to remove and refit of any bike I've owned. To remove, loosen the two jubilee clips, pop the carb out of the boots, disconnect the fuel line and unscrew the top to remove the slide/needle (turn the carb, not the top) - it's off in less than a minute.

Reinstalling is slightly trickier although it gets easier when you've done it a few times and a light coat of WD40 on the inside of the rubbers helps a lot. Reinstall the slide/needle, reconnect the fuel line then (this is the trickiest bit) get the airbox rubber on. Once done, push the carb back and inwards and it'll pop back onto the manifold boot. Tighten clips and the job's done!

Once you've done it a few times it's possible to get the carb off, clean out, even rejet or adjust the needle height if so desired and get it back on in 5 minutes - I've done it myself between laps at a trial.

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