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Btc Regs Meeting Cancelled


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Most folk expect everything to be there, for them to use, they have no concept of how it's all there for them, what's involved, how difficult it is to organise etc, etc, as long as they can turn up and ride, thats all they're worried about.

Fact is, one day, they'll turn up and it won't be there for them anymore ........ Unless more people get involved and help !!! It doesn't matter what you do, how much or how little you do, some help is better than none. Most riders are quick to moan, when something is not to their liking, but have no interest in getting involved.

Trials is only here, because people give up their time to organise, administer, observe etc, etc.

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Going to Rugby can be a bit of drag on the hard pressed organiser (its a long way for [mostly] everyone), also it's the opportunity cost - what are you not doing (working/riding/organising/family) by being there....


--> says me going to Rugby on sunday ...

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  On 2/5/2016 at 5:52 PM, telecat said:

As it was for the Organisers that isn't quite how I see it. I think it's more down to the lack of response to requested changes. None are ever taken notice of so why bother to turn up and be ignored....


This is absolutely not true.

One rider i know went to a meeting a couple of years ago and suggested something and it was implemented. ACU IS a democracy dont read more into this than there is......

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  On 2/6/2016 at 5:21 AM, nigel dabster said:

This is absolutely not true.

One rider i know went to a meeting a couple of years ago and suggested something and it was implemented. ACU IS a democracy dont read more into this than there is......


I have been to several meetings and always been enjoyable and productive.

Trouble with a democracy - which is what it is - is that a compromise is always necessary for things to work. The output should not then been seen as people not being listened to.    

I think in general the current format works with rules etc currently in place so its a long way to go just to nod and come home. 

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  On 2/5/2016 at 10:45 PM, rabie said:

Going to Rugby can be a bit of drag on the hard pressed organiser (its a long way for [mostly] everyone),


You kidding its in the Midlands probably best placed for most to get to from all corners of the UK, any suggestions of where is better?

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  On 2/8/2016 at 4:26 PM, gizza5 said:

You kidding its in the Midlands probably best placed for most to get to from all corners of the UK, any suggestions of where is better?


No where better but its still a drag!!


Normally a 7 o'clock start  and a 12 hour day for me.


But at least people appreciate the efforts we go to in our own time to make sure trials continue.!!!!! :wall:


Sorry Just woke up - must of been dreaming :hyper:  :hyper:

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yeah i'm not knocking it, its the best compromise for everyone, but as jimmy says a long drive, and the guys from scotland, etc stayed overnight. what i'm getting at is its a real effort by everyone nationwide to meet up at one place.


there is no better answer as a place to meet, i'm sure some sort of online confrenceing will come in the future (that old skool people can use)

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  • 3 months later...

As many will know I used to spend a huge amount of time posting on TC and generally it was time well spent as I felt it was good to inform people of actual facts, yes argue a few points and hopefully have serious debate


There were two things that have curtailed this,  firstly lack of time due to the many hours spent each day/evening working on ACU Trials and Enduro issues as do other C/tee members, but  that is  only  one thing


The real killer for me however was when a few posters just seem to take delight in posting any comment that enters their head without any thought, justification or accuracy or truth  as long as they can knock ACU. Rarely do they provide information of what they actually " do" for our sport. 


Telecat has given about the best example of this when he claims without knowledge or substance that there is no point going to an ACU meeting as no-one listens and nothing changes 


Leaving aside the fact that my and other C/tee members  unpaid time is as valuable as his, but we are prepared to spend it trying to do something rather than just post silly comments,  I would suspect that what he actually means is:


" I once had an idea / view point, but because not everyone thought it was as brilliant as I thought , I have arrived at the conclusion that there is no point having another thought as no-one will listen/ action in any meeting"


However, Telecat is of course entitled to his opinion,  but before he throws such comment about is he prepared to back it up


If he is prepared to pledge £1  to Cancer  Research  for every  instance  I can provide where someone in an  ACU  Forum or  meeting or email/letter has made a suggestion which has then been considered and then implemented - and he can if he wishes confine himself to BC - to save some money or go wider if his pockets are deep.  I will of course provide suggestion made by not only organisers but also BC riders and others


It will take me time , I will forego my night in the local


But as we say down here - " Put up or shut Up"


John Collins












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  • 3 months later...

Now how did I miss that reply?? My Comment was based on feedback from several clubs and riders "out and about". I don't doubt you can find many suggestions that have been implemented the rub is how many were ignored or put down because they came from the wrong direction/club/people. Personally I have stopped because any "new" idea unless it comes from the same old sources usually get nowhere. And lets face it the meeting was cancelled due to lack of interest. Perhaps a better attitude would help as well.

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  On 8/22/2016 at 1:29 PM, telecat said:

Now how did I miss that reply?? My Comment was based on feedback from several clubs and riders "out and about". I don't doubt you can find many suggestions that have been implemented the rub is how many were ignored or put down because they came from the wrong direction/club/people. Personally I have stopped because any "new" idea unless it comes from the same old sources usually get nowhere. And lets face it the meeting was cancelled due to lack of interest. Perhaps a better attitude would help as well.


So you take months to reply but want to be taken seriously?


Your attitude appears to typify why meetings like this get cancelled.


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