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Chest Protection Mandatory On Wtc For 2017


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With that huge obstacles, seems like Raga, Bou e cia will be wearing some chest protection in 2017.


Personally (after 40 years old, my ribs aren't so flex anymore), I like to use (Fox titan sport subframe) but at 35-40ºC it's not possible big part of the year.


for sure, some fuss to come.

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Regarding "armour type" protection I have never worn more than knee protectors for trials. In MX my trousers had built in knee and hip armour, My upper body armour was fox which consisted of chest and upper back protector and shoulder protection. Elbows and forearms I use sinisalo protectors. Lower back is protected by a Protek belt. I know the UK is not that hot but  never felt it uncomfortable to wear. The Upper body protector actually hold the shirt off you and allows cool air to circulate.

I would not think wearing body armour will be a problem

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