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2016 Miller Series.

jon v8

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Was talking trials to a mate today and got onto the subject of the Miller classes. he suggested I have a look at the "revised" rules for 2016. Is it me or has the point been completely missed ? There is STILL no difference in the classes to distinguish between a Pre unit big banger and a sub 190lb James/Bantam/Cub.

Or have I read last years regs or the wrong page completely ?  :(

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I guess I did have the right specs on Richard... And Ken, it really doesn't encourage me to carry on and finish my HT5 replica. Clearly most others have given up on the idea of Pre Unit entries in the Miller series.Tis a shame,the bikes are still there - its difficult to wear them out,all it needs is classes that give riders a decent chance - and sections that reflect the bikes size/.weight. Looks like Sammy and the ACU have moved on. I have my own idea to get old bikes out of sheds,maybe next year I will put it into practice.Meanwhile I'll keep talking to local land owners and try to secure a couple more venues.

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Hi Guy's.


Dabster don't keep winding Deryk up and spelling his Name wrongly.


The awards would be know problem. Done that before.


But the Problem is the trust riders have in this series, If they turn up on a rigid or a Pre-unit.


And the first two or three sections tell the tale of the trial to come, despondency sets in, and the rider feels he has wasted his time and money turning up for a jolly day out.


I may be wrong ,but the wording in the regs only says some sections may be easier?


We will have to see, but I think the trust has now gone in the Sammy Series, just like Sam moved on from Ariel, once again Bultaco's and  Twinshocks seem the trials Norm.


Regards Charlie.

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