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Noisey Techno Clutch?


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i have noise on my 97 techno the noise seems 2 go quite when clutch is pressed. just recently rebuilt engine and gearbox with new bearings and conrod kit + new piston and cyl replate. the noise is on clutch side? as any one else had this problem?

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Did the bike make the noise before the rebuild ? if yes its probably normal (most trials bikes do this to some extent)

If it only did it post rebuild, take it back.

Health warning ! - I have never owned, ridden or seen a techno so if you are lucky somebody who knows might post, if not, ride it and see if anything falls off or take it to your dealer.

As an aside my Sherco sounds like a bag of old spanners till I pull the clutch in :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm not familiar with the Techno, but from the symptoms it sounds like the clutch thrust bearing is worn {If it has one?}

If not it could be:

Clutch shaft bearing {you will feel play in the clutch shaft}

Clutch basket worn {look for teeth marks where the clutch plate tabs locate in the basket, also check for play in clutch assy.}

As long as you have no bad vibration I woulnt worry, it is a common sound on older japanese road bikes {in these it is usually a worn thrust washer}

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