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Standard 2016 4Rt Stall Issues


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Every once in a while, the Cota will find a time to stall when rolling the gas on. It is usually followed by a small pop. It will restart fairly easy after. But recently when it does start the idle seems way too low, like it is barely turning over or running. After a couple of seconds, it idles normal.


Is this normal or am I just too aggressive at no throttle, cranking it too fast to move forward?





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I have experienced this stalling in very tight turns with various tickover settings and can only think I have let the load get just too high for the situation (ie I should have used more clutch to reduce the load or more throttle to keep the engine speed up, probably the latter).

The late Mick Gallacher recommended 1850 as the optimum tickover speed and nobody had more experience than he. Another dealer reckons 1750. A pal has run at 1300 to 1400 for years with no issues.

Mine will occasionally start with that very low tickover you mention but cuts out if I attempt to use the throttle. If I don't it stops eventually but never speeds up of its own volition.

Edited by 2stroke4stroke
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I have experienced this stalling in very tight turns with various tickover settings and can only think I have let the load get just too high for the situation (ie I should have used more clutch to reduce the load or more throttle to keep the engine speed up, probably the latter).

The late Mick Gallacher recommended 1850 as the optimum tickover speed and nobody had more experience than he. Another dealer reckons 1750. A pal has run at 1300 to 1400 for years with no issues.

Mine will occasionally start with that very low tickover you mention but cuts out if I attempt to use the throttle. If I don't it stops eventually but never speeds up of its own volition.


Thanks, maybe adjust how I use the clutch and throttle together a bit more. The bike is brand new so I imagine the idle is close to factory spec.

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You have to change the idle screw to what ever altitude you are at.   It is very sensitive to altitude changes.  

It may be running at 1800 RPM at 2000ft go up to 3000ft and the RPM will have dropped down by a 100 RPM or so.


Unless you are at the same altitude as the Montesa factory in Spain you can't assume the idle is set correctly for your altitude. 


Hook up a Tiny Tach or equivalent and you will see what I mean.  


Voice of experience...............       

Edited by billyt
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You have to change the idle screw to what ever altitude you are at.   It is very sensitive to altitude changes.  

It may be running at 1800 RPM at 2000ft go up to 3000ft and the RPM will have dropped down by a 100 RPM or so.


Unless you are at the same altitude a the Montesa factory in Spain you can't assume the idle is set correctly for your altitude. 


Hook up a Tiny Tach or equivalent and you will see what I mean.  


Voice of experience...............       


Good point, will try it up a bit

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 The stock clutch is not so good. You might try Dennis at Overland. Myself I ordered sprockets to try.


Dennis is great guy for all things Montesa...order most of my parts and get advise from him.

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