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Aussie Titles


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Just rode the Aussie Titles on the weekend, my first....brillant Trial event, hats off & many thanks

to the organisers and all the observers, helpers & section makers who put together a great course.

The event had the added bonus of a number of international star riders who put on a thrilling display....was a real treat. A special thanks to a buddy down under who loan me his bike & bed and made it all happen....cheers mate :);):D

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Is there any chance you can put the full results on?I have been sent shaun morris won on 18 micheal brown 2nd on 23 juan pons 3rd on 34 james dabill 4th on 36 ben hemmingway dropped 81 dont what position.think that these results are correct

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Ok fellows, heres the results

Day One

1st Micahel Brown 6

2nd Shaun Morris 10

3rd Jaun Pons 11

4th James Dabill 14

Final Top Ten Results:

1st Shaun Morris 18

2nd Michael Brown 23

3rd Juan Pons 34

4th James Dabill 36

5th Ben Hemmingway 81

6th Colin Zarczynski 89

7th Mick Byrne 115

8th Dylan Rees 118

9th Trevor Cambell 122

10th Christian Kregelon 135

sent some stuff to r2w so should have something up soon...Mic :)

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Bloomin eck..big difference between 4th and 5th eh!

Thanks for posting this Michael...been missing any news from your side of the world for a bit!

Hope Ben didnt mind you killing his bike!..(I wonder if he'd lend one to Choi)..oops...thats what I;ll be doing soon :)

will check out r2w site now. :D

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