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2006 Championships

john collins

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Guest Scottie

I don't know the solution to encourage riders for the 2006 season and I totally agree with your comments re Dougie. I think most COC's put a lot of thought into the sections,we normally start preparing the course 5/6 months before our trial. I also agree that the sections shouldn't be dangerous but that is not always the case. Similarly, our sections would be suitable for the time and new rules.

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Quick question ?

with the changes to the permit system what is the point (other than for information purposes) of listing "non-championship" rounds. as (as i understand it) under the new system most events will be "open" and in effect non-championship nationals unless stated otherwise (eg closed to club, closed to centre, etc ???)

what I'm getting at in a way is there are some events that are on that are now in effect non championship nationals that might need to be listed on a "master list" like this ......

it would also be helpful if *somehow* the non championship rounds could be identified on the main list ... ??? :ph34r:

rabie :D

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Please do not set off on a Brit Champ debate in amongst Calendar changes etc - things are complicated enough already.

Re - Calendar.

The calendar published is the National & International Calendar. Not just Championship calendar.

Potential organisers - even at Centre level - often wish to see this - not just to avoid clashes with Champ events - but others of note - and ones which they know from experience potential riders will be at.

So - National calendar is published - and from this are selected various Championship rounds - which can be identified from Champ column - or perhaps easier from list at end.

Please remember these are still changing - and there will certainly be two more added to Ladies Championship - and I expect at least 1 probably 2 orgainisers to try for the experimental Sammy Miller rounds that can be run off road.

It is true that with revised ( hopefully simpler ) Permit structure - Organisers will possibly not run as Nationals - but this is up to them - and it is not easy to determine at present who will wish to retain that National status.

Personally - I have stated before - I would like to revert to " Nationals" being something special - where a rider knows the event will be of high standard - regardless of Championship. To this end - I believe many Oerganisers will wish to retain this .

Surely some events do not need the Championship tag - to be excellent and attract good entries - they are just that Special National - I can give you no better example than the Scott.

Also - with the already stated intention of trying to keep some events fresh - and not run too many just for sake of it - certain events will drop out from time to time - this categorically does not mean they were poor events - far from it - often the best can stand alone - and help us to get this system started. People complained ( rightly so) of over complicated calendar - and to many fixtures - this year we have made a start to try to fix it - but I am sure it will not be plain sailing - we can but try.

This is especially so in Youth - where we were clearly told that last year was a balls up - with parents having to trawl uop and down motorway on successive weekends etc. It was a fair point - so we have tried to spead the events over more of a 10 month or so period - and try to keep things very light in May/June ( School exam time) We have also tried where possible to use events with AB/ CD on same weekend - more or less same area.

I do not intend to be changing dates etc forever and a day - as this is certainly not fair to normal Centre events - Nov is already far too late - but FIM & UEM have dictated this - so hopefully within a few days the calendars wil be finalised ( keep saying this but it never actually seems to get there!)

Finally - by all means have your say re - Brit Champ - but I think it needs a separate post

I will repeat however - that all the things like Marking system, Practice, No of Laps etc etc etc -will be discussed at the normal British Champ Organisers meeting - and it is after this that decisions for 06 will be finalised

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  • 4 weeks later...

Having never ridden outside my centre I've decided its about time I had a little shop around the UK triala scene. I like the sound of the Novogar championship, but have one very big question: Will i be able to ride it?.... please no reply's 'hows longs a piece of string!!!' So, what should i expect to ride in an average Novogar section: 20feet+ nearly vertical banks, rock step 4feet+ and big drop off's? Any gauge on what kind of sections i would face would be much appreciated. Also, does my bike need to be road registered and do i need a national acu licence?

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Having never ridden outside my centre I've decided its about time I had a little shop around the UK triala scene. I like the sound of the Novogar championship, but have one very big question: Will i be able to ride it?.... please no reply's 'hows longs a piece of string!!!' So, what should i expect to ride in an average Novogar section: 20feet+ nearly vertical banks, rock step 4feet+ and big drop off's? Any gauge on what kind of sections i would face would be much appreciated. Also, does my bike need to be road registered and do i need a national acu licence?

The better ones of the Novogar rounds were just good honest Centre Expert (even Inter) standard, and I'm not just talking Yorkshire expert.

I'm no superstar (as many people will no doubt agree), but I've enjoyed 'most' of them this year.

If you want to have a look at results to compare riders of your ability - I'd say that most of the Novogars would be around the level of the National route at the Manx 2 day. They would be a fair bit harder than the clubman route at the Lakes 2 day, but nowhere near the National route.

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Novogar is single route hence the idea to ease it back a bit.

I've just deleted half my original post so I don't confuse things.

Cheers Dabster - I don't know how I got the idea they'd gone to a 2nd route on the Novogar????

I'm happy now - single route, and the 125 and over 40 classes will hopefully ensure the level of the trials stays sensible.

I've not had my fist pint of the day yet and already talking b&*^&ocks :hl:

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Spud, For most nationals you will need a registered bike, but there is no such thing as a national licence any more. As long as you have the registration card you are OK.

Try any of the nationals with a clubman route and you will enjoy them, believe me I have all but stopped riding in the S.E.Centre nowdays.

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ND, I'm a middle of the South Eastern Inter.

Last Sunday I had some right good fun riding a club trial at Rotherfield. To say i went a little mad would not be putting my injuries to justice. I know when i'm progressing, its the Monday morning after count up of the injures that says how good i rode!!!... the stats read: 11 medium sized bruisies and 4 cuts. :crying: I was riding with the South Eastern Champ, and Yes, serve me right but i'd do it again.

I've this evening been putting my riding calendar together and what's p***ing me off is the clash's in the calendar with the Novogar rounds - this doesn't even include the Brit Nat. (not that i could ride them!). I can see why we don't see a lot of our top riders in the south east :hl:

Jordi, are you an expert centre rider?

BS, your no superstar you should see me ride....errr crash :P

If there are any SE Centre Experts that would like to comment on why they no longer rider centre events i'm all ears - PM me. I have thought for some time our centre trials are money in the bank, but only a select few clubs run them. Why we can't have a kind of Football lotto annoucment (ie pull a club name of a bag) for each round would be so much better. I didn't explain why i posted my original message.... its because the SE Centre trials have been nearly all the same for the 5 years i've been riding trials and the sections always seem the same - bordom is making me look elsewhere.

Next up is a certificate of newness for the Gas Gas and anyone know where i can get cheap insurance?

Anyone riding the Wallace Cup in February?

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