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Our Sport Needs These People


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Part of the success of our sport is the relationship built up over the years with the local people whose areas we happily ride over time and time again.  We need to respect these friends particularly like the Halton Gill Ladies group, pictured below, who each year put on a magnificent spread to support the riders and all the officials in the Allan Jefferies trial.

The photo shows part of the spread of home cooking provided by the ladies for this year's event,  the group is, L to R, Marilyn Roberts, RichardTaylor, Mary Myers, Freda Brook, Carol Horner and Brian Ayrton.




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You are right. The good news is they are still about. Another example are the good people who do the same thing through the night for the MCC Exeter trial in the village hall at the foot of Simms. Always end up buying more cakes and coffee to support them and then my excuse if I fail Simms !! 

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