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Scorpa Engine Troubles


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I took my 04 Sy250 out for a ride a few days ago and something happened to the engine that wasn't good! the engine was still running but wouldn't rev at all and started getting very hot. I could hear a bit of a knocking sound from the crank area...not good! I let it cool and just out of curiosity started it and it seemed to run fine, i only ran it for a second and turned it off. I decided to try and pop the cylinder off and see whats going on but having troubles removing it. It almost looks like the whole engine has to be dropped from the frame to remove the cylinder? Could anyone advise on what the problem could be & how to remove cylinder for inspection? 


I like the scorpa but it seems to be a nightmare to do any work on! 

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Just to add- I ended up removing engine from the frame, removed cylinder and everything looks fine. Looks to be running way too rich, I've advanced ignition but haven't changed any jets, whats the recommended jets? I haven't checked what it's running yet but will do. Still not sure what caused the poor running engine?

Just need to clear up something that I couldn't understand. I changed the oil recently and drained the oil using drain plug behind gear shifter, I then opened the oil level bolt but a lot more oil came out even though I'd already drained it....am I missing something??

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