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Tlr200 Cdi


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Hi All, I could not seem to find any threads on this.  Is anyone using an aftermarket CDI for their TLR200?  I am putting together a 1986 TLR200.


mid atlantic trails indicates that people are getting ignitions off of ebay that are working pretty well...

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Hi, I tried a pit bike one.....but different from the one pictured at classic trials. It was blue with cooling fins, the bike ran, but the tick over/ bottomend was rubbish as I suspect the advance curve was wrong for the TLR

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  • 9 months later...

 In an email conversation Colin Leese of TY Offroad (tyoffroad.co.uk) offered this:

" I am in the process of testing a digital CDI, of which we will be the sole distributor.  These will be listed on our website when available "

This was October 2016. Send him an email asking how things are going on this project??

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