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Sure Way To Lose Practice Areas!


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Our tip will not take tyres, I have to cut them up with a grinder then put them in the domestic waste bag.


I thought it was only me that did that. I took a tyre to the tip the other year and the guy said we don't take them. So I said shall i just take it out to the countryside and dump it there then . He said I don't care. My council has just started charging for hardcore as well. So suprise suprise there are more piles of hardcore dumped around the area. In the long run it costst them more to clear the mess up than just taking the bloody stuff in the first place.

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  • 5 weeks later...

We  now have the stupid situation where even though all the councils are whinging about not having enough money my local council now has 2 guys sat on their fat arses by the entance to the tip. Their soul purpose is to ask you as you go in what you have . They then tell you which skip to put it in. I feel like saying I can f***ing read mate so go and do some work. So that 2 more wages i am paying through my taxes to ensure that the council gets a bit of money from hard core dumping as they have decided to charge for that.

But yet more hardcore is now dumped round the local lanes

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