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Trails Riding Your Trials Bike


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I know this topic has come up before, but I can't remember much about it. So I will start it all over again.

With all the problems that trail riding is facing at the moment, I am thinking of selling both my Trail bike and my Trials bike and putting the money torwards a new Trials bike. Probably a Mont 4RT. What I am thinking of doing is on the odd occasion that I might still be able to go trail riding using the Mont. I was thinking of changing the gearing for trail riding by just going up to a larger front sprocket. I heard strories from the 6 day last year of Monts doing 50mph on the roads last year with standard gearing. If you can get that kind of speed out of one they are quick enough. Has anybody ever done this, I have no doubts engine wise about a trials bike, they must take more of a hammering in the Scottish and the Scott than a bit of green laning, but how about the practicality side.

I realise there will be a problem with fuel, but I am sure I can get round that.

The only other downside I can see is trail riding might be a bit to easy on a trials bike as getting stuck is part of the fun.

Is what I am talking about a realistic idea or am I just being a ****.

Anyone want to buy a DR350?



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if you want to do both you can proable get away with a BETA alp or something on a novice/pre65 route but toher than that it might get mighty uncomferatable on any spercific trails bike (even with added seat/tanks) for green laneing .......

rabie :ph34r:

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Needs to be a proper trials bike really. I do the Manx and the lakes and a couple of other nationals on the clubman route.

Not to worried about the comfort as the green laning days will be few and far between. I think one of the days on the Manx was a 60 or 70 mile lap and after a few beers i'd forgotten all about the soreness. :ph34r:


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