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Bultaco 350T


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You're asking a difficult one.

If I recall correctly your bike has a Mikuni carb, which will give better MPG than a standard Bing or Amal, however I have never come across any hard data to say you'll get 40MGP, 55MPG, or any MPG etc.

The only thing I could suggest is that you do a number of circuits of a predetermined route to guage your fuel consumption and establish a base from there.

Edited by model80
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It depends very much how you ride and to which purpose.

While riding in the mountains with steep slopes and long uphills the Bikes used most also wenn you have set up the carb in 1000m a ove sea level and then ride in heights of 2000m the bike will usw much more gas

The average consumption for a Sherpa is around 50 - 60 km a tank (4.5 liters).

Just to note I got similar consumption with a SWM 320 and even with a Beta TR 34.

With the original Bing I would say more towards 50km with a Dell'Orto or OKO or Mikuni more towards 60km with one tank.

When doing long trips with the bike I have a fuel friend canister with me. The canister holds 1.5 liter for a very long ride I've done with 30% mountain trails, 30% trial trails and 40% gravel and asphalt roads the bike used 7,5 liter for 100km, 1 tank and 2 fuel friend canister. On the way home when filling up the tank with the last canister I tried to ride very fuel efficient and literally with the last drop of gas I managed to get home.

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To be honest I don't know that you'd notice any real difference over the course of a road trial whatever carb is fitted if the bike is running correctly


If I do a road trial of say 25 miles I can probably get around on a tank but carry a litre bottle in my rucksack just in case.  Any more and you really need provision for a top up somewhere around the route. For me this applies whether I'm on my slimline 325 or my 340 and even my Ossa although that holds slightly more fuel, so there's a bit more leeway on that.


You're never going to get it down to a precise figure as some single lap trials of the same overall distance may have more roadwork than others and if there is a good amount of moors riding mixed in with the roadwork you will use more than if it was all roadwork

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Well I do keep record to longer trials especially to trials hiking, which I do frequently and with long routes

and limited luggage non existing gas stations in between fuel can be an issue if you have no idea about

the fuel consumption. So I keep record. Just you probably don't have any needs to do so as you are in

organized areas it's not everywhere so.


Here one of my time/speed/distance track for one lap at a longer trials:



As a round course with just 22km and a paddock in the middle no problem.


But in areas where there is no gas station / restaurant / kiosk on the way, not even a street or any traffic where you do trips of length between 50 - 100km you have to know how much extra fuel you have to take with you.  At least I don't want to carry too much with me as some basic tools and spares and of course some food and beverage has to be carried too.


The TO haven't posted in which area he want to ride and how their are, but in own experience
there the differences I mentioned are there, just because you haven't experienced by yourself

doesn't mean it's not happening.


To give a picture here of a trip, the different areas during the day, it where I do kind of trials hiking:









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Thanks people.

Looking on the internet I have seen various capacities shown for the Sherpa varying from 5-7 litres. If I'm pessimistic and go for 5 litres at 40 mpg that should give me a range of 40+ miles. The longest trial I'll do is likely to be 85 miles with a lunch stop half way so if I carried a spare litre I shouldn't have a problem.


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I rode in the first Sammy Miller trial that allowed spanish twinshocks to compete on my 250cc  Ossa gripper (tank holds 4.5ltrs) The route was 40miles long and so i asked if there was someone official to carry fuel around? and they said no but there is a petrol station on the route.


I carried 1/2 a ltr and put it in the bike as soon as poss, i rode as economical as possible and finished the day ok. When i got home i measured the fuel left in the tank and worked out 45 miles to the tank. i have a 29mm mikuni on the bike. hope this is of help.


you could get a few small bottles to put measured amounts of oil in eg enough for two litres of fuel (safer than carrying extra fuel in a rucksack)


Ps to be allowed to ride the Miller series with the big british bikes was an honour.



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