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Peter Young


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Many riders may have come across Peter in the past 15 years or so in and around the northern area. He was a great lover of the Scottish, The Scott and The Cleveland amongst many other great trials. He was often seen on the road crossings around the course offering drinks, food and plenty of advice.

His larger than life character always had time for anyone and everyone, His booming voice and positive outlook will sadly be missed. He helped many riders out in recent years, giving back to the sport which gave him so much pleasure.

If Andy or anyone has any pics of him to add, that would be great, as many people would have seen him not knowing who he was.

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Sorry to learn of his passing (I presume as that has not been said directly); as Sunt has said, he was a great character, very disabled, but that didn't stop him getting around as best he could in his car. I always stopped for a chat, particularly in the Cleveland where he was always at the same parking area next to a bridge.


Condolences to those close to Peter.

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