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Bite Point Adjustment ?


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is there a way of bringing the bite point further out from the lever ?  if you screw the adjuster on the lever right in the feel is harder and the clutch slips under 5th gear load  on the road

clutch pack height is 9.75 bang on . this isn't  for a gas gas but a trs , same set up as gg/oss/jtg 

any advice welcomed  :)

thanks andy

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You can keep moving the lever back, but at some point you're going to have a clutch that drags with the lever against the bars. I basically set mine up so that the clutch clears with the lever on the bars, but just starts to want to creep forward as the lever sits on my knuckles. That's about as close as you can get the bite point without having a transmission that doesn't want to shift because the clutch is never fully disengaged.

Edited by heffergm
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