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Wheels Offset On 199A?


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Hi there,

I have recently bought a 199A, and whilst cosmetically it is very good, mechanically it has some issues.


This is my first Bultaco, so some help would be much appreciated.


There seems to be some funny goings on relating to the wheels. They seem to both be offset in the forks/swingarm.

Is this normal or something more sinister afoot?


The rear wheel rubs the swing arm unless adjusted out quite drastically. I am wondering if the hubs are from a larger bike etc. I am hopefully attaching some photos that will show the issue I'm having.


Your advice is much appreciated,












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The front ones are always not in the middle of the forks. If you are really concerned just use a long length of string and wrap it around both sides of the rear tyre up on a stand and see how it lines up with the front wheel. I have just respoked a M199 rear wheel and the spokes these days are not long enough on the long side to get the rim far enough over to the brake side. They are all just holding on by a few turns of the nipples. Mine is doing the same as yours now so I have to sort that out. Graham.

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Hi, new friend!!

It certainly appears that you have new stainless spokes & wherever it has been re-spoked they have failed to record the

original offset & get things true again,the proper distance from the brake brake drum face to the edge of the rim needs to

be recorded before the re-spokeing starts to maintain the distance properly.

I don't have one torn down or I would be glad to give you the dims.

Perhaps someone has wheels down & can measure the offset to help you.

If no one can help I will pull my wheels and pass on these dims.


Went out and measured front wheel on my m199, 1.150 inch from LH edge of wheel,

Rear wheel, 1.600 from RH edge to flat below top edge on each wheel.

Hope this helps.

Can't get to the brake drum without tearing down sorry.

Edited by lbhbul
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We've got the rear wheel on the bench, and have removed the tyre. We have re-spoked the wheel, but it is quite obvious that the spokes for the non-brake side are not long enough to get the offset any where near the values bondy has posted.

I have the non-brake side spokes barely threaded, and the offset is roughly:

Brake side - 54

Non-brake side - 20


Would anybody be able to advise what to do next? Has anybody been able to source longer spokes?

I see that Inmotion just stock for the front wheel of a Bultaco,




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iv'e just looked on that well known web site and they have both front and rear spokes. Just out off interest what size are the spokes both side front and rear.






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Just to update this, the longer spokes for the rear wheel on my bike are around 202mm, having spoken to Pete from the well known website, the spokes they sell are 282mm. That should account for the offset I need to put on the wheel!

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Tom, wherever you got the spokes new from I pray they have the real deal going on, mine come from this

county & really fit , but you friend should be on the proper leg.

The dims I gave you early came from my m199 original, if you don't cross the spokes 3 times as orig.

then I don't know any other way,I still work in American measuring on wheels that are not bent.


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Tom - 

I've been waiting for someone/anyone to chime in with all the answers, but it hasn't  happened, so here goes.........

In response to your original query, it appears from the pics. that these are the correct standard Sherpa hubs and original Akront alloy rims.


My 199 parts book lists :-


Fr. wheel spokes   18x   left hand side 241mm. long

                                9x right hand side 225mm. long (inners)

                                9x                          227mm. long (outers)

                               36x nipples  (alum. alloy, barrel 6.8mm. dia.)


R. wheel spokes     18x  right hand side 196mm. long

                               18x left hand side    176mm. long

I've checked some of the  genuine Bultaco spokes I have for mod. 159 and mod. 199  wheels and they all conform to these measurements.

From the pics. it looks also that  the nipples used on your wheels may be undersize - maybe you can confirm the barrel dia. of these ? 


If you are having a problem with (apparently) short spokes, have you considered that the spokes may be correct, but laced to an incorrect

pattern ? How are you measuring your spokes ?

Using the above lengths of spokes I don't recall having the problem that you are experiencing but (from memory) none of my wheels are laced like yours; I'm unable to get to any of them at the moment to verify.


"Right" and "left" hand above refer to sides of the machine as seen from the rider's view, by the way.


Rear rim  offset : I've always measured this from the spocket flange on the hub to the outermost edge of the (standard Akront) wheel rim and notes I made for the last three  mod. 199 rear wheels  I stripped indicate 1 9/16", 1 17/32", and 1 5/8"  - take your pick!

Front rim offset I can't find at the moment, but would probably be academic, anyway. I usually just centre the rim to the steering axis, as close as poss.


Caveat : I'm NOT a wheelbuilder or any sort of expert - someone who is may care to rubbish any or all of the above. 





Edited by lorenzo
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i should have my wheels back a week on Monday.there at the wheel builders i will put a photo on hear when i get them back thats unless i get a phone call if he has any problems its happened before spokes not being long enough ect. am hoping all is well then i can get on with building my 199B.

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