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Extreme Bar Risers

scot taco

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Figured that I would stir the pot a bit and post some pics of the bar risers that I made for my 199a.

 The riding position with my 6" bars would still result in pretty bad neck pain after a half an hour or so of riding due to a really jacked up neck from arthritis,various injuries and probably 30 years of operating heavy equipment.

 It is now pretty comfortable to ride.It doesn,t seem to affect the handling too much,but I,m a pretty novice rider and don,t try any big steps or splats.

 Switching to my brothers 199a with 5.5" bars when riding yesterday I can notice that in certain situations the risers do affect the handling in a negative way,but not a lot and I don,t know if I have much choice until I get my neck fixed,if thats possible.









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I would drill a hole through the original top clamps in to the steel bar . then tap it out and put small bolts in it to stop it rotating forward. There will be a massive turning force there. 


Difficult to put any weight on the front wheel like that. 

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After do a little more riding in the yard today and studying the pic of me standing on the bike I think that the extreme bar risers are not the hot set-up.

 When going over some logs if the front end dropped suddenly it would yank my arms and whip lash my neck some what.I think it is because I,m too upright and my arms have no bend in them to absorb this?

 My home-made risers have a 3.5 rise so maybe the store bought two inchers would be better.I know it does make the bike look pretty silly with the set-up I have know.

 Another suggestion that I,ve had was to have the top yoke machined so that bar clamps could be bolted straight on top which would allow the use of taller fat bars.


Thanks for the input.

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  On 11/7/2016 at 1:53 AM, lineaway said:

Throw that crap away, bend your knees and elbows. That`s like reinventing the wheel with bumps every 1/4 turn.

And here was me thinking this is a friendly forum :D Edited by model80
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 Trials is a body position required sport. If your body does not participate, the bike will not respond. Small seat, low bars and squatting is the normal stance. It used to be a normal human position till the modern toilet was invented.

 PS, years ago I injured my neck hopping on the rear tire of a Monty. Wearing a helmet sucked for several years. Good luck. Maybe a vinyl Taco Cap.


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Because the bar clamps are now so much higher than standard, you have created a severe limitation for how far you can get your upper body forwards.

This is one of the reasons Fat bars (that have no cross-brace) are popular.

I see you have bars with no brace already, but you could improve your chest clearance and still have the extremely high bar-end position by having custom bars made that have a higher rise.

You look quite tall, so could probably benefit from lowering the footpegs which would allow a less extreme bar end height and still have a comfortable neck angle.

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I've just noticed that your bike appears to have shockies that are quite a bit longer than most people use on that bike, which would be contributing to your neck discomfort because the rear of the bike (including the footpegs) will be higher than normal

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Yes David,the shocks are longer.They are set up pretty soft with a fair amount of sag,but I see what you mean about them aggravating the problem.They do work really well though!


 I happened onto an old post yesterday about KT250 mods and you had mentioned how the stock KT bars were higher than 6" Renthals.Are they quite a bit taller,like maybe an inch? Might have to email the fellow in NZ to see if he still has some.

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  On 11/8/2016 at 11:08 AM, scot taco said:

Yes David,the shocks are longer.They are set up pretty soft with a fair amount of sag,but I see what you mean about them aggravating the problem.They do work really well though!


 I happened onto an old post yesterday about KT250 mods and you had mentioned how the stock KT bars were higher than 6" Renthals.Are they quite a bit taller,like maybe an inch? Might have to email the fellow in NZ to see if he still has some.


Yes the replica KT bars are about an inch higher than modern 6" Renthals.


The bars on my M49 in this photo are a bit higher again than the replica KT bars and were custom made from thick-walled 7/8" structural aluminium tube to replicate the shape of the bars that people rode with on these bikes when they were new. The bars provide very nice ergonomics on this bike for me (5' 10") with the footpegs in the original location


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