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Diaphragm Clutch Adjustment


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My 300 has the factory clutch, been well used and no probs with slipping etc, but i seem to be having to adjust it a lot and cannot get the right release position on lever.

Its very slightly draggy, or to close to handlebar to feel correct.

I know stack height on friction plates are 9.75 total, but anyone know the finger end height from centre of clutch basket?



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Yep, check the master cylinder as well and try to replace the piston (the seal lips wear vs the new ones will give you a good indication). If the pack thickness is correct then it just doesn't hydraulically push clutch enough to engage fully. Removing all air from the hydraulic system is vital of course.

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i'm trying to tighten up the end float shaft on the clutch centre nut, it just keeps spinning, i know its a left hand thread, used a 12mm socket and used an air gun to attempt to wiz it on, no luck! Any idea's?

If you understand its the long thin shaft that goes through the whole engine into a blind bearing, it stops end float on clutch basket, this was only on models from 2013 i think?

sorted clutch prob by fitting new xui plates that i had in spare 280, then mix n match with the steel ones i have, seems ok now, apart from I've bent and screwed the clutch gasket so oil is leaking out, so need to fart around again getting everything lined up, the bloody kickstart return spring! into that recess in the casing...



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Ian, you need to hold the other end of the shaft with a torx through the breather elbow hole by the shift lever, which should be blanked by a small screw on your 2013. You just have to jam the torx through the hole and into the clutch fixer rod which is the thing you are trying to tighten

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Cool, i tried that but didn't seem to lock anything? i only used a small t bar allen wrench though! is there a specific size torx? i'll try later then.

Thanks for help Canada...



Edited by imexian
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