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Gas mix


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I mix Premiun ( 92 octane no ethanol )  gas 3/4 and VP racing gas 1/4 with Klotz Techniplate 75 / 1 to run in my 03 250 Beta Rev. I was to buy a 20 liter jug of VP for the season before I started to read on the product. I was always told the stuff would keep forever and it seems to be wrong, it only stay fresh in certain conditions. I want to try avgas mix with auto gas any of you tried that. Please don't reply with chemical formula.


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I've been running avgas for years , Buy it , mix it @ 75:1 for my Fantic and shake before use ... I get it 5 gals. at a time , I'm lucky to have a small airport about 10 minutes from my house . And I've never had a problem storing it for extended periods .

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I keep my VP C-12 in its original 5gal can until I need to mix up a batch. Then it's into a steel jerry can as temp storage and for filling the aluminum fuel bottles I use for transport/filling. If you keep it in an airtight, UV blocking container it should last forever. Gas degrades for three reasons; 

Oxygen, fuel burns by oxidizing. Temperature, pressure and heat accelerate this process but it still happens at atmospheric pressure and room temperature just much slower and some of the additives in modern pump gas are more prone to this degradation than say tetraethyl lead. 

Moisture, alcohol used in pump gas absorbs water from the atmosphere. Once this is in solution with the fuel it's possible for other compoments to steal oxygen fron the absorbed water leaving free hydrogen. I suspect the waxy buildup you find in pumpgas that's sat too long in a poorly sealed container (or carb) is a relative of the hydrolyzed  oil that makes margarine. 

UV, UV light is high energy photons. If the energy of a photon is above what's called the "work function" of an atom it is capable of knocking an electron right off the atom. This is the basis of chemical reactions  as that atom is going to look around at its neighbors and try to steal an electron from the weakest one of them. And that atom will steal from one of its weaker neighbors and so on. This tends to break down complex hydrocarbons, which are already none too stable to begin with, changing the behavior of the fuel. Fortunately very little of the sun's UV gets through the atmosphere and the residual is blocked by most plastics.

So yeah keep it light tight and air tight with a minimum volume of trapped air in the container and any fuel should last a good long time.  VP C-12 is as stable as it gets. The VP unleaded stuff is probably slightly less stable but still worlds better than pump gas.

I apologize for the spewage but we got a foot of snow a few days ago and are expecting another foot tonight so I can't ride and my mind is running open loop. 

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I use to run AV gas in my 2 stroke power boat days. The danger is that it does burn hotter and melting pistons is the biggest problem. With the boat cooling wasn't a problem , but with the relative low cooling effect on a trials bike I wouldn't have thought the expense justifies the use of it. After all you are not looking for top end max power.

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