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Footrest mod ty250a done


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Made some crude footrest hangers and mounted by the usual method, drill and tap upper hole and welded a nut inside frame on bottom rather than a threaded rod right through. These are temporary to experiment with position before I commit to weld on mounts. Yes I've put them well back and that may attract some critisism but I am tall and heavy with chicken legs so if I lean forward the front end won't be light. Footrests are from an enduro bike.



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The first time I repositioned mine , I lowered them 1 1/4 inch and also back 1 1/4 inch. I'm 5' 8'',  since than I modified 2 other TY and did the same, they feel right for me. First few ride, I mostly notice the lower position but I felt it did not made such a big difference. It's only when I swap bike with a friend who wanted to try mine that I really felt the difference. I kept the TY footrest and made them wider and longer, but the back plate  look very similar to yours.


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Made some for the TY175 out of KX65 footpegs. Bolt on replacement +/- a bit of angle grinding to the pegs for the cheese grater originals.
I wonder if the northern hemisphered motherland will see your photos the right way up?

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Haha kurtas I don't know what happened but if I click on them they are right way up.

Guy53 I just measured mine and they are the same as yours, inch and quarter both ways. I'm 6'2 so maybe I could stand on the rear axle lugs bmx style ?

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I find with the standard Ty250 frame you do need to be over a certain height to be able to lower them by much without it becoming a problem.

I'm 1760mm 5' 10" and have a Ty250 with standard frame that I mounted them in the position you have done and found that my coccyx sometimes hit the bike behind the seat when unweighting the rear on obstacles. I figure I would have gotten used to how far I can unweight if I only rode the one bike.

It did change the handling a lot

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  • 2 years later...


That looks like a great mod to do, but do you remember if you had to tear the bike all apart to get the nuts welded on the inside of the frame for that footpeg mod? I have some brackets that i got with the bike that lower the pegs but don't move them back much at all. They will add about 3 pounds to the weight of the bike if I put them back on. If you do this mod, are the brake and the gearshift going to be too far to reach without taking your foot off the pegs?


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