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Running The Nationals Like A Business?

mich lin

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Some solid advice that I'd like to give to the NATC is to run the nationals like a business. The customers are the riders and the customers are considered always right. Provided you want to stay in business, that is.

The NATC should remember that there are a lot of Sports entertainment options available out in the market today, from MX, off road riding, quads, roadracing, car racing, golf, tennis, hang gliders, ultra lights, skiing, boating and a host of other sports that they have to compete against for customers/riders.

To say the least I was a little surprised how the NATC treated this paying customer at this years nationals. I sent in my entries for both the Southern Calif and the Eastern rounds of the US national championship which they confermed and accepted.

I rode the first two rounds and had a blast, finished 8th both days and learned a ton at each round. Then for the final eastern events the NATC also accepted my entries, so I booked my round trip non refundable flights and planned to share a car rental and hotel expenses with Bill Markem.

The USA Sherco importer was kind enough to step up and offer me the loan of a bike for the Eastern Nationals. Which was way beyond the boundries of customer service in my view.

I had simply wanted to rent something from them and they offered it without charge. That's why we ride Sherco motorcycles, their excellent rider support, they have also done the same for us at the World Championship, twice.

Everything seemed in place for my first trip to an eastern national in over 25 years, then the NATC did something weird.

I had a call from the top guy, telling me they were not going to let me ride. Letting me know also of the 10 round rule, meaning that only riders contesting 10 rounds or more would have their points counted! Which means that neither Smage's, the Irish Champions or my points would be counted toward the US championship.

Now is this anyway to run a business? You take these riders money and won't give them any championship points! In my case I lost my airfare investment as well. Because my tickets were not refundable, costing me several hundred dollars besides losing the national championship points I'd gained for two 8th place finishes.

The NATC claims they want to more riders in the tiny Pro class, yet their customer service is not up to the standards a rider/customer would get somewhere else. Maybe golf is my game?

Refusing to reward points to Smage or the Irish Champion make little sense. In my case if they don't want bums like me riding Pro, they should have refused my entries. Putting me in a position to lose a small bundle of money on a useless air ticket is not a way to win more customers. Neither is not giving riders the points they have earned.

Try running the US Championship like a business! Provide some customer service. We customers/riders have a lot of options for spending our sporting entertainment dollars as Americans. Your not going to get my repeat dollars if you guys can't give us what we want as customers.


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As a former professional rider you were fully aware of the rules before you attempted to "buck" the system to prove a point. While making a mockery of known National Trials rules and regulations of the sport in this country you continue to air your problems on an international forum. Part of growing up is to take responsibility for one's own actions. Grow up, take your licking and go pout in another corner. Keep your dirty laundry in the USA. The Europeans are not interested. Neither are your fellow Americans who have no interest in your little "game". You have lost the respect you had for 30 years as a once good rider. You are now making a fool of yourself in Europe. ;)

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Some solid advice that I'd like to give to the NATC is to run the nationals like a business. The customers are the riders and the customers are considered always right. Provided you want to stay in business, that is.


The Riders are the Merchandise the Spectators are the Customers

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Pete, couldn't agree with you more at a world round indoors or outdoors. I'm glad to see the indoor trials championship getting so much TV coverage. Maybe the top men will start to make a better living.

Our US nationals are honestly a participant sport! They are designed for our sportsmen riders and their entry fees pay the bills of the organizers and the national organizing body. They are well organized fun events catering to the slightly above average clubmem level rider. It's works well and has kept the series running for over a quarter of a century.

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barcota, couldn't disagree with you more. I didn't break any rules, had a blast riding the two trials and wanted more. I simply didn't score any points because of the 10 event minimum rule. But that's old news, I'd rather not discuss it any longer and move on.

I would like to see the NATC award national points to Smage and the Irish champion for their less than 10 round finishes. They deserve them! The 10 round rule is dumb and if it had been in place when Bernie rode, most of his national championships would never have happened.

That rule also gets in the way of another US world champion contender. A rider should be allowed options!

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Barcota, we agree I don't know it all!

I happen to be an inquisitive type of person and when I see something I don't like I'll ask myeslf what I can do to make it better, then take action. What I did is take action, that's why I respect what Ringo did so much, he stepped up to the plate and rode the Endurocross.

There is a very long list areas where our team has taken action for this sport, sorry you don't enjoy or approve of them as much as I do.

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Ok little confused here..... ;)

First: They didn't let you ride? Why was that? (I ask to educate myself from your experience not to poke fun)

Second: The Minimum # of rides rule has been around for ages! So if this has come as a surprise then where is the lack in communication between natc and yourself?

Here is my view point as a limted rider in a world of really great riders. In the U.S. this is an amature sport. Sucks in my eyes because its all I think about but its true. There is an audience for the sport but its not as accessible as other options. For instance you can flip on the tv any given weekend and see extreem drama and action from your couch. Extreem freestyle motorcross to foot ball its all there at your finger tips. On the flip side of the spectrum you have nascar. In my eyes the most boreing event in the world but its huge. Its huge because you can be there in person with your family while people come up to you to sell you beer and food sitting on your butt. Hundreds of thousands of people love the sport because it has come to them. They didnt have to go anywhere. (I am going somewhere with this so stick with me) Trials cant be like any of those sports. We can't spoon feed the sport to the public with the participation we have at this point. In europe it can be spoon fed to the public. You can go down to spain in 4 hours and check out the people you see on tv (10 for you brits). You can find a local event. You can find tons of redneck local circle tracks and do the same here. I have to travel anywhere from 30 mins to 2 hours to just practice and two weekends ago i drove 3 and a half hours to ride a TI event. Why? Because I would rather do nothing else.

Now in my eyes the N.A.T.C. is a step in the right direction. I can see where your disturbed and I could see how a well run corporate entity would help fix your dilema with points. Its not the smoothest ornization in the world but they are trying. I only rode two events in ny this year and smage was there riding and doing his thing. I acutally signed up late and they sent me my late fees back saying no big deal we are glad to have you. Very personable and kind is what I took away. If it were a large corporation I am not sure that would have happened.

To round this all up.... I saw that Smage rode both ex and pro. Now if we had it your way would he get pionts in both classes and recieve two trophies? If you go into a tanning salon and pay for 10 sessions but expect a tan after the first two are you going to protest? I see no problem with the minum ride rule, I see a huge problem with trials marketing in this country. If your going pro then your that much more dedicated to getting there and riding your a$$ off. Setting up NATC as a governing body is a step but an agressive marketing plan and more events with regional trophies would be an improvement.

Thanks for listening...


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Thanks biff for the intellengent reply, I like your NASCAR analagy.

Your right that NASCAR has both a ton of local tracks and big super speedways where sportsmen or Pro racers can compete, they just don't mix them. We on the other hand in the NATC have batched both the amatuer riders along with the Pros all at one national.

Football is also run like Nascar, you would never see high school football players and Pros mixed at the same event.

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