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Villiers 32a Or 37a Engine Wanted Anybody Got One?

old trials fanatic

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In the process of building a pre 65 two stroke, never did get on that well with 4 strokes, so all i need now is a Villiers 32a or 37a engine. Anybody got one spare? Not bothered about the condition as i expect to have to replace the bearings etc anyway. Just dont want any holes or cracks.

So can anybody help? ;)

Edited by Old trials fanatic
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Thanks for the good advice guys. I've found e bay a great place to sell my surplus bits but not so good to buy, too expensive. :crying:

I've sorted myself out some crankcases and a gearbox plus also sourced a freshly rebored Greeves alloy barrel and head etc c/w new piston fitted with Honda rings. Picked up 37A inner and outer chaincases new for

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