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Fork assembly order 2012 250


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Could anyone please confirm the order of the washer and oil seal in the right fork, and which way up the washer goes?

The image in the parts manual shows the washer above which is not how mine came apart, however it also it also has the descriptions reversed so they don't match the image so I don't want to rely on it.

Edited by totty79
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You'll notice that the washer is cup shaped, the bottom of the cup is just a clearance diameter over the fork stanchion, the top is much larger diameter as it goes against the underside of the fork seal.

It goes in just that way so that the small diameter sits against the top of the top bush to hold it in place, and the seal sits against the larger diameter. So basically, when the seal is in position with the clip fitted, the bottom of the seal holds the washer in place which in turn keeps the bush in position.


Hope this helps!


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