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Cleaning Plastic Tank

marky g

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Just finished a rebuild on my Pinky, I've bought a metal tank off an older TY mono for now but I was wondering if anybody has any ideas on how to clean up the outside of a mono plastic tank?.

I dont't want to spray it as I know it will bubble off, surely there must be some kind of a mild acid soap that can take off the horrible yellow colour these tanks seem to go....any thoughts?

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Cheers Guys, tried soaking the thing in a bucket of bleach / water last night...nothing still the same :D

I'll try some of that oven cleaner that James mentioned, failing that I'll have to try and get a tank cover (if they still make them!)

Thanks once again

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yes marky

I'll try some of that oven cleaner that James mentioned

it makes the tank have a dull look like old plastics do but then all you need is some polish and its shinny again.

it worked a treat on my ty250 pinky

its the stuff thats in a small tub and its like paste dont be affraid to use alot of it on the sponge


Edited by james111089
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I just restored my ty250 , What I did with the side cover is i sanded with wet/dry sandpaper ( wet)..I had some scratch's on it. So i started out with 220 grit.But if you dont have any bad scratchs then , i would start out with with a higher grit,like 400 and work up to 1200.or even higher untill you get the results that you want. Then polish it with a plastic polish.The downside is it will make the plastic thinner. Have fun and hope you get it worked out.

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  • 2 weeks later...

the best stuff for the job is pvc window cleaner, it looks like water but if you sniff it, it will blow your head off. if that doesn't work use autosol metal polish. if those two dont work, chuck the bloody thing away :)

iv'e made some really crappy looking tanks look quite respectable with this method.

if it works on your tank, spray some silicon spray on it, this seems to create a barrier over the plastic that stops dirt getting ingraned again


Ben :D

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Cheers Ben...I've got to try it now just to start sniffing it :D

be carefull :):D

i did my kx500 with it years ago, bike on trackstand, me sitting on milk crate, in my parents garage. i finished on side, and decided to stand up and step back to admire my handywork. i ended up on the floor, unable to get up. i had to call my old man to drag me out into the fresh air, where i stayed for about a half hour :D:D:D

needless to say i did the other half outside :D

pvc cleaner is dangerous stuff kids, but not as dangerous as spraying expanding foam, in a vehicle, thats being welded :P

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Is you tank stained on the inside? If so its probably right the way through, and nothing can be done.

I not try this. I have just cleaned up a plastic tank that was faded/stained. Tried Jif, Kitchen cleaner, soaking it in a hot bucket of detergent, T-cut...everything and it didn't make any difference.

Then had a go with some fine grade wire wool, gently took the top layer of crud and stains off, and polished out with T-cut.


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Nightmare!! started off with fine wire wool..no good...rough wire wool...no good....1200 grade...no good...750 grade..no good.../emery cloth....a slight colour change but nothing to shout about :D

**** it ! I've got hold of a Metal tank off an S model which needs a petrol tap, I think I'll get that to fit and try to get hold of tank cover for the plastic tank :)

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