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Newbie woes. Ahem . . .


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. . . I accidentally deleted the thread when trying to juggle all the replies. Does anyone know how to get it back? 

Ha, not my weekend, is it?

Anyway, thanks for all the replies fellahs.

I will try Peak Classic again. I was at Dudwood a month or two ago and tried every section more than once, but it was really way too much and I 5ed everything, badly.

In future I'll maybe only attempt those that look like a reasonable challenge or treat them as 'gentleman's routes' if possible, tho my nature is to want to complete things properly so I have to fight my tendency to get a bit frustrated at my own perceived "failure". I also think I need to learn to do a tactical dab properly. I find I'm a bit all or nothing currently.

I have done a Manchester 17 dead easy, and will look out for more of these, tho there's not one I can go to until September, Ditto with Barnsley's beginner events.

Edited by antsants
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