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The Mysteries of my ST290 '13


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-I check the wooodruff key because i have a problem with switch on my bike, it starts random .   I found this !  Woodruff key to advance ignition! WTF :o




I just replaced with an orginal sherco key, but now i don't find anyone chisel mark ! Now the only way is the dial gauge?


-Second question is.... What yellow do I have to buy for the '13 frame?

Thank you so much!!








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From what I can see your woodruff key was 3/4 sheared rather than made that way. Just refit the stator in the same position that it was in, looks like centre of the slot going on the witness marks from the washers

Should be pretty close to right

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"This off-set flywheel timing key allows you to advance your ignition timing without modifying your stator or cases"


It change the ignition timing maybe of 2 degree.    If you tell me "use the old position" i use the old position , thank you !  ;)

Old pic:


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