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Appleyard Sponsorship

nigel dabster

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Well An amount of the sponsorship is allocated to the organising club's. They also "sell" the sections and any trade spots. No sponsorship in Trials is astronomic though so don't expect your club to rake in the cash. Entry fee's are about

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So who gets the money, and why are entries so much?

Dabs, even me in my meekest thoughts I can't BELIEVE

you ask this question, yourself being so knowlegeble in trials!

Colin Appleyard sponsors the BTC thro his love of the sport.

Not just trials but motorcycle sport in general.

I can tell you there is no money to be gained out of it by CA.

There is no money to be gained out of sponsoring any trials,

just look at the crowd, (oops where is it?)

My own company sponsor trials also, why?

The answer is because of the sport, OK I may sell

a trailer/rack/towbar but that NO WHERE NEAR covers the

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Agree with Stuart's comments.

I witnessed first hand Stuart and his team at the last BC trial camped out on the moors in the constant wind and rain (we were there too) and all the hard work they put in. Now if headline sponsorship brings with it the illusion of luxury hotels and an army of paid workers, tarmac service roads etc then i must have been at the wrong venue.

From top to bottom, its all about the unconditional love of our sport.


(27 years on a trials bike and still only mediocre)

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Well for a start more observers are needed. Two per section and sometimes a "puncher". The sections have to be taped off and although some of the tape is supplied by sponsors the stakes to hold it aren't. A Qualified first aider and Ambulance vehicle need to be on site and they aren't cheap!! Most will have a PA system and "podium" which usually need to be hired and replica trophies need to be obtained for the day. These are expenses over and beyond what a Club or centre trial would incur.

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