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Appleyard Sponsorship

nigel dabster

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Some observations on this one.

Sponsorship. As in all things commercial - the actual amount of cash involved is a confidential matter between Sponsor, ACU and the Organisers who run the events are made aware of situation.

Let is not kid ourseleves - as someone else has already mentioned there is never going to be thousands of pounds in the way of sponsorship. Most firms do it for the love of the sport, some name/brand enhancment and to try to put something back in.

Now - as to money and Brit Champ.

The sponsorship money and a fairly hefty contribution by ACU all go into the pot.

From this come the following

Result service at each round - so that results are produced within minutes - on computer and in a standard format etc each event. Since we did this - I do not believe we have had any Protests or query - and the resuklts and awards presentation usually occur well within 30 mins of last rider.

These results are then emailed to Press, Trials Central etc - and I think the system is a lot better than it was - as many of you on this site requested me to do so. This service involves someone travelling to each round - including Ireland etc. This is paid for entirely by ACU - not sponsor.

Next - the sponsorship pot & ACU money is spent roughly like

Posters produced for each round - over 1000 for year

Programme covers produced for each round - over 3000 for year

These are usually posted out to each Club.

A set of Bibs - for all riders and all minders are produced.

Although this is a substantial initial cost - there is an on-going cost when bibs are lost/not returned or broken

The above is quite significant - because while the cost of 1 or 2 bibs is not huge - the fact that the screen printers etc have to set up for small quantity meansd they still charge set up fee's etc. The whole set also have to be replaced occasionally.

After each round - an allowance from sponsorship money is made for Club to launder and post bibs to next club - usually have to use a carrier.

Some money is allowed for Press costs in way of stamps, emails, telephone calls etc - that are not done by ACU.

At the end of it all - after the above expenses - the sum of money - sponsorship plus contribution from ACU is then divided up between the organisers.

In order to run the round they have obviously incurred costs - has people have already detailed - toilets, PA, Land Charge, - markers ( my own Club seem to replace one hell of a lot of these each year) We always have St Johns Ambulance and make a contribution to this. And so it goes on.

At the end of the day - the BC Organisers hopefully have not made a loss - because of this contribution - but equally all of us who run a round have not made much either.

If any Club are running Trials to make money only - I have honestly yet to see them. I think we all accept if we wish to do that we would be better off by far running a dance or boot sale on that Sunday. Running the BC takes us several months of hard work and planning

I believe we all do it - as we believe we are puitting something back - most Clubs I know are filled with ex-riders and enthusisats - and at the end of the day it is probably this that makes our sport what it is.

Edited by John Collins
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sorry i didn't mean to bite your head off

hopefully its been made painfully clear that the economics of trials means that you are probable paying far to little to enter British championship trials (and compared to other motorcycles, and motorsport you're paying peanuts), they are really being subsidised by the other events the club runs

rabie :hat:

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Thanks thats cleared up some questions amicably.

Perhaps you could do one of 2 things to ensure return of all bibs at events, and these are not my ideas but those employed by the french organisers at 2 events I have done;

1) when signing on take the acu card and swap it for a bib at the end vice versa,or

2) Take an extra tenner off the riders and swap that for a bib at the end, I'm sure that will hone the return rate.

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Thanks thats cleared up some questions amicably.

Perhaps you could do one of 2 things to ensure return of all bibs at events, and these are not my ideas but those employed by the french organisers at 2 events I have done;

1) when signing on take the acu card and swap it for a bib at the end vice versa,or

2) Take an extra tenner off the riders and swap that for a bib at the end, I'm sure that will hone the return rate.

That sounds like a good idea. ACU card or

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road race (apparently) gives fines out for everything and therefore contribute a hefty sum to the Ben fund

tempting idea to transfer to MX / Youth MX B);)B):D:P

as for how they ride without a licence (you can buy day licence in road race) i don't know

rabie :P

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