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Why don't they JUST grip?


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Not been riding my 4RT for 3-4 months and went out to re-try a few sections that I did, at a recent Trial, that I cleaned on my other 2T bike

Tried on the 4RT and would it grip, no it bloody wouldn't - even with a brand new tyre............. on muddy hillsides and woodland type sections

Grr, I find the front end has a mind of its own sometimes too

Rocks, fine

Streams fine


Edited by johnnyboxer
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5 in the rear

6 in the front, brand new Michelin X11's, just put on


Loamy, loose leaf and undergrowth in woods.............2T didn't even blink

Smoother throttle on 4RT and it just goes backwards, wouldn't hook up, after a turn around a tree

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Probably just me, as I've being riding something else all spring and summer

It's always been a bit 'all or nothing', with 4RT's for me

Pity as they're a lovely bike, just flipping annoying

Might try a Beta 4T:P

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  On 7/30/2017 at 8:56 PM, johnnyboxer said:

5 in the rear

6 in the front, brand new Michelin X11's, just put on


Loamy, loose leaf and undergrowth in woods.............2T didn't even blink

Smoother throttle on 4RT and it just goes backwards, wouldn't hook up, after a turn around a tree


5 in the rear is too high for mud you only need 3-4 max

the 4 rt, is a different animal, as you already well know. You have to be really smooth bringing the power in, then it grips like a tractor. Problem comes as soon as the wheel spins it's game over. Unlike a 2t which will bite again once the power drops, i.e blipping the throttle then shutting off, the 4 banger won't bite using this technique. 

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  On 7/30/2017 at 9:35 PM, dav cc said:

  I've never ridden one but have heard the same thing 



I think the power on the 4RT comes in too brutally for most clubmen, watching Bou (et al) at Tong, they just rev those motors to the moon - where we can't control that sort of power delivery

It was interesting watching Bou, that on some muddy, snotty UK type sections his bike just spun up too and he fived that section

Also, interestingly not many top UK riders (if any) choose to ride a Mont in the British Series

Some have tried in the past, but returned to something else

Food for thought

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With my wife having a Gas Gas 2T and being on a 4RT myself, something I have noted is that the 2T with the fast throttle is more like my 4RT with a slow throttle.  Something you might try as a slow tube isn't very expensive would be to get a slow tube to try in some of the muddy conditions... 

Just a thought.

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  On 7/30/2017 at 9:47 PM, johnnyboxer said:

I think the power on the 4RT comes in too brutally for most clubmen, watching Bou (et al) at Tong, they just rev those motors to the moon - where we can't control that sort of power delivery

It was interesting watching Bou, that on some muddy, snotty UK type sections his bike just spun up too and he fived that section

Also, interestingly not many top UK riders (if any) choose to ride a Mont in the British Series

Some have tried in the past, but returned to something else

Food for thought


I think there a lot of clubmen on over powered bikes!

I have a 300 gasser, I love the power delivery on it, smooth low range but powerful when you need it. I ride in the experts at national level and am reassured that the power is there if I need it, like for a big step that has no run up. But I'm knocking on a bit now so when I drop down the ranks (pretty soon) I would definitely drop down to a 250 as the power delivery is softer and less brutal but there is plenty for the average section.

Going back to the 4rt, I spent a lot of time riding my mate's and comparing it to the gasser on the same sections. I found it gripped like a train provided you didn't spin it up. As soon as it spun up it was over. Where as the 2 stroke would bite again when you shut off the throttle.

On one particular section (turn with a muddy steep climb) if you kept the power really smooth the 4rt just pulled like a train and went up like it was on tarmac. The 2 stroke you had to deliver the power in harder and let it spin to get up. But if you spun the 4rt at any point it just went backwards, game over.

They are a great bike to ride, but I wouldn't have one for competition simply because when you are tired and lose that little bit of throttle control the 4rt bites you and all of a sudden it becomes like an untamed animal.

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2,   2.5  or 3 MAXIMUM.in the rear.  5 or 6 MAXIMUM in the front.  

New tyre?  Some makes of tyre don't grip very well.  Only use Michelin Trial x Lite.  Anything else then just bin it and buy a Michelin X Lite.

If you are using 5 in the rear then this is about 50% too high!

Buy yourself a PROPER mechanical low pressure gauge. 



Edited by stpauls
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  On 7/31/2017 at 6:21 AM, stpauls said:

2,   2.5  or 3 MAXIMUM.in the rear.  5 or 6 MAXIMUM in the front.  

New tyre?  Some makes of tyre don't grip very well.  Only use Michelin Trial x Lite.  Anything else then just bin it and buy a Michelin X Lite.

If you are using 5 in the rear then this is about 50% too high!

Buy yourself a PROPER mechanical low pressure gauge. 




What's wrong with a normal Michelin X11??

I have a decent APICO gauge, just the operator is a numpty and needs to let his tyres down

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