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Honda Seeley Wiring Help


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Can any of you Seeley owners help me with the wiring connections on the Seeley.

Mine was dismantled when I bought it and without a wiring diagram I don't know which wire connects to which from the generator and cam pickup to the CDI. I've tried the ones that look obvious, as the colours aren't an exact match and tried to get some assistance from an XL manual but the colour coding is different. I just can't get it to produce a spark.

I have 2 wires off the cam pickup and one from the generator. The CDI has 5 wires coming out of it with male/female connectors, so that effectively eliminates two of them due to the type of connectors on the generator and cam wires. There is another wire off the CDI which feeds to the coil. I have no idea whether the CDI earths itself to the frame or whether one of the 5 wires earths to the frame, engine or anywhere else

I've tried everything to get a spark but to no avail and the bike is close to receiving a flying lesson over the neighbour's fence. I've ensured both CDI and coil are against bare metal on the frame so that is out of the equation.

If any of you can take a look at the way the wiring connects on your own Seeleys when you are able I'd be very grateful

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starting from cdi unit, you got six wires via (m/f) connecting to > ...

green (m) > frame (earth)

black/red (m) > black + red label (alternator)

bleu/yellow (f) > bleu + yellow label (cdi rotor)

green (f) > green

black/white (m) > kill switch

black/white (f) > coil


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Well, the wiring colour codes checked out as you said so thanks again for that. So got it all connected up and gave it a try. Still no bloody spark so it's back in the shed again until I can muster the enthusiasm for another go. In the meantime, the Sherpa rebuild can begin, at least they are nice and simple.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Very nice - very original too.

Steeled myself to have another go at the electrics today. Knowing that the wiring was correct and with the help of a second set of ignition components, managed to identify that the sender from the cam wasn't sending anything. With the replacement I have a nice spark. Further examination shows bare wires touching each other out of the sender so hopefully it is as simple as that and once re-insulated should work ok.

Thanks again for the wiring info, made it a lot easier to sort.

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