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What Paint To Use


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I am slowly, actually very very slowly making progress with my Tiger cub rebuild and wondered what is the best paint to use for the frame, hubs etc....?

I have a spray gun but no fancy booth, just the garage.

The other consideration is cost, so any suggestions where to buy at the best price would be helpfull.


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Yep , Powder coating is nice , But I think it's the difference between a ' Shop Queen ' and a ' Workin' Girl ' .

I've had really good results with PJ-1 Epoxy paint in a can . Gloss on the frame and Satin on the wheels

It's easy to touch up and is durable .


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Powder coating is tough, resists chipping, can have high gloss and apparently is pretty economical . . . but don't do it to your Triumph, please. It's just not the right thing to do to vintage iron.

Unfortunately, I don't know enough about paint to recommend anything in particular.

Just had to put in two cents in favor of paint over powder coat for your Triumph.

Keep the rubber side down!

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Shop queen?!?

I usually get frame, forks, brake drums, hubs, battery tray, clutch and brake pedals, and several other brackets and small parts blasted and powdercoated for around $300. That's hardly shop queen money.

Frame only: $150. And you can hit it with a hammer.

As for the correctness of the finish for "vintage iron", anybody who is a judge for one of the international antique motorcycle clubs (where the bikes I restore are judged) can feel free to score a deduction for a non-original finish, but it looks so much like paint, they seldom notice. Bear in mind, too, that the stuff does come off if you want it to. I wouldn't use it if it permanently altered a part.

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Marky, can you give us a genaric name for 2K?

I'd like to get some paint and get playing some. Even made a small junky paint booth in the basement. I have a compressor and a high volume, low pressure paint gun. Ready to learn! Also wondering what paint would resist gas spilling on it.

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2k or two pack paint , is the toxic stuff . I think that you call it catalized urethene.

basically it is your paint (urethene)

and your hardener (catalist)

mix both together and bingo , a hard wearing chemical reacted paint.

I use this for all my fuel tanks etc.

It will stand gallons of fuel been poured over it , by bike should know the amount of times i miss the filler!

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Cheers Marky, was hoping you might jump in on this one.

What size nozzle do I need to run for 2k ? Until I get a nice little gravity fed gun I have a Devilbiss JGA but think the nozzle is too big at 2.0mm.

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