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no cut. change the head angle for TLR200/250


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Unfortunately some so called experts (usually ones that manufacture parts) dont understand the basics of steering geometry. Making the forks looks steeper is assumed to be a good thing.  If it is acheived by merely altering the offset of one of the yokes it increases trail. ( Unless you increase the offset of both yokes to compensate - in which case you end up with tiller like steering and the mass of the forks and front wheel acting on a long lever around the steering head bearings).

 If it is done by altering the rake angle of the frame it decreases trail. 


If you dont want to cut the frame the simplest options are to put longer shocks on the rear or drop the stanchions through the yokes.


Edited by alan
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That man Alan is a smart one, but here are some links with good information on the subject.

After reading these articles I decided to limit my overall efforts to the foot pegs. I couldn't convince my self cutting the frame would lead me to where I wanted to go. Many applaud the results. I just think I had more questions after reading a bit. I really like the first link.



Have fun.

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On 12/9/2017 at 10:42 AM, slip_kid said:

That man Alan is a smart one, but here are some links with good information on the subject.

After reading these articles I decided to limit my overall efforts to the foot pegs. I couldn't convince my self cutting the frame would lead me to where I wanted to go. Many applaud the results. I just think I had more questions after reading a bit. I really like the first link.



Have fun.

For some reason that first website transposes "steep" to "spam", so whenever you see "spam", read it as "steep" or "steeper" to make proper sens of it.

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           Avant de couper un cadre,une simple curiosite  https://www.google.com/search?q=lagar+concept&rlz=1C1AVNG_enFR673FR673&oq=lagar+concept&aqs=chrome..69i57j0l4.8321j0j8&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8

            Comme je precise toujours,je ne touche jamais de royalties quand je conseille un produit,mais juste qu'il parait interressant.


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