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2016 4T Hot ?


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I have a new to me 2016 4t.  Hot starting is sometimes quick but sometimes takes quite a number of kicks.  A tiny bit of throttle seems to help sometimes.  Are there any recommendation to improve hot start?  I m using the hot start button.  quick kick or slow kick....throttle or no throttle...does ignition map switch make a difference...carb tuning  ...or

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I find with my 4T that hot starting is fine if I stop it with the kill switch but if it falls over it can be a real swine.

I give it a couple of kicks with hot start on and no throttle.

If that doesn't work then hot start closed, fuel tap to manual, and a touch of throttle.

I use a firm steady push on the kick start.  I think I read somewhere that the kick start gears are a little fragile and not really up to repeated sharp kicks.

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You don’t say if your bike is standard or comp model. There are differences to needle height position, 2 is for standard position 3 is the comp version. Are you following the Beta hot start procedure fully? Fuel tap operation is a part of hot start process. Have you got owners/workshop manual? Beta web site has plenty of info for you. 

Edited by section swept
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I had not noticed that piece about the fuel tap.

Mine is not the factory model but looking at the chart may run better with the richer competition settings.  I'll have to check.    What is the best way to get to the mixture screw?  The manual implies a straight screwdriver but it points directly at the cases.  Do you need one of the aftermarket screws or is at least a good idea?   

Does idle speed affect starting?  The recommended setting seems rather high.  Why so high?

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The mixture screw is located at the bottom of the carb near were it joins the inlet rubber.

It is possible to adjust it with a small screw driver bit but it is very difficult to get to.  I find it best to take off the rear exhaust and approach from that side.

Generally the advice seems to be to go for richer carb settings for best running.  The hot start button weakens the mixture to aid starting so not sure if richening the mixture will help with your hot starting problem.

Is you issue just with the hot start?  Does it run/start most of the time?  Do you have a hot start issue all the time or just when it has been on the floor?

There are already some other suggestions on this forum for hot starting, including I think no hot start and max open the throttle, but I have not tried this.

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we have 2 4t's one 2013 & a 2014....both start fine if they are shut off on the kill switch but we find the hotstart doesn't do anything if the bikes have been on the floor or stalled so we start them on full throttle...works every time for us...

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Thanks for all of the input.  I think I was giving it a quick kick like my two stroke likes.  Today,  I used the hot start button along with a long slow-ish push down on the kicker and ti was starting reliably..  

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There is a mod that might be needed to the hot start pull mechanism. Involves removing carb, hot start pull and slide, opening out hole. Check it out on the manufacturers web site. Basically the holes too small and needs to be widened. Hope the pics help??4T_Rev_3_hot_start_mod.pdf

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3 hours ago, section swept said:

Check it out on the manufacturers web site. Basically the holes too small and needs to be widened. Hope the pics help??4T_Rev_3_hot_start_mod.pdf

I looked at the Beta UK site but see nothing about a mod.  Where could I find that?  I can see the picture name but no picture.

I don't know if the bike was ever jetted.  I need to pull the carb and look.  I hear pulling the carb is not an easy job are there any recommendations?


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The mod was for the rev3 4T. You need to remove the muffler and the rear shock. Also make sure the intake boot is ok. They tear easily.A 125 main and a 27.5 pilot should eork depending on elevation. This would be the time to install the thumb screw.

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Try this link and look for downloads. At some stage sooner or later you will need to get at the carb and other associated engine components so now would be a good time. When the carb is off work very carefully, remove the float bowl and inspect for dirt and debris. The float height must be checked as this can the cause of many issues over proper fuelling. Hope you get on ? 

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