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$rt Burning Holes In Pants


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My 4rt has burnt holes in two sets of riding pants and i can't work out how.

Holes are on my right leg below my knee and above my boot :D The exhaust doesn't seem to go anywhere near unless i slide off sideways to touch the ground with my throttle hand. Anyone else doing this?

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Consider the opportunities other than those that come while you are riding. For example, when you are waiting your turn at a section. Typically, riders will sit on their bike while waiting, and often get their pants in closer proximity to the head pipe then, than when they are riding. This is how I was burning my pants on another model. Took me awhile to figure out how I was doing it.

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i burnt a hole in my jeans ,but the bike whas on top of me ,ive never moved so quick ,got the scar to prove it , it seems to me that trials jeans are way to flimsy ,5mm of foam on the knee is not going to do anything ,nothing on the hips ,for us thirtysomethings you need some protection ,i know you have to be able to move freely ,but it wouldnt make that much difference not at clubman level,besides at

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After getting a wicked burn from my Sherco headpipe, I wrapprd my 4rt headpipe in 1 inch "header wrap" that I bought on eBay for $10, along with some high temp silver paint. Now there is alot less heat coming off the pipe and I haven't burned my pants yet!


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