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How About A Show Of Respect


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Let me point this out, be blunt and yet fair at the same time. For someone to ever beat Geoff Aaron, they will have to have some contempt for him!

If he is put up as an unbeatable god with a small g as he has been for a decade, he will continue to dominate the US Championship for another 10 years. To beat someone like Geoff, you need some contempt and disrespcet for them! Nobody has had that for him for a very long time.

To see that contempt now jump up is a GOOD thing! Maybe somebody else will come along and beat Geoff, to be realistic, it's about time. Geoff has little or no interest of stepping into the international arena to put the USA back on the world trials map.

It will take someone younger, stronger and tougher to be the next Bernie or Debbie for American trials. It's time for Geoff and Christy to get beat! Let's get them out of the way and get some young tough guys and gals in there who are willing to take on the world.

Don't get me wrong, we need both of them as stepping stones and sparring partners for the next generation of young tigers. Past champions are a very important part of the championship mix.

Please, don't take this wrong, I have no personal animosity toward either Geoff or Christy. I'm simply pointing out the mindset needed to take them on and steal their national championship away from them.

Edited by Mich Lin
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I'm here interviewing the next American World Champion Trials Rider, known as Igneous the Trials Crusher.

"Mr. Crusher, what do you plan to do to Geoff Aaron for the upcoming Trials season?"

"Let me tell ya somethin' Mean Gene!!!"

"Uh, it's Sendero, remember?"

"Oh Yea. Let me tell ya somthin' Mean... uh... Sendero. I'm gonna rip him from limb ta limb! I'm gonna pick him up and throw him and his stupid bike off the top of the tallest rock pile! I'm gonna snap him like a twig! I'm gonna tear him a new..."

"Any plans for his girlfriend?"

"Ooooooh yea!!! Don't even get me started!!!"

Mr. Crusher, word on the street is that you've been doin' some top secret training with an ex-champ rider. Rumour has it that he told you the three secrets to being World Champ. Is it true?"

"That's right Mean... uh... Sendero. I know the secrets, all three of 'em, and I'm gonna whip 'em on that worthless Chump Geoff Aaron in the upcoming Cage Trial at the Trial to end all Trials... Trials-Ageddon!!! Only $39.95 on Pay per View, this friday night at 6pm eastern. BE THERE!!! Aaaarg!"

"Well there you have it. Igneous the Trials Crusher has laid down the gauntlet. Geoff Aaron is on notice! Back to you Mean Gene."

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Dam Sendero,

You beat me to the punch... so to speak. I was thinking about writing that exact post as I was driving across the states. Of course you are the best one to put into 'interview' form.

Well done.

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Why are the dominant riders from Europe coming to the US to race then?

Stuart, does your offer stand? How's mid February for Smage? The A-B Schoolboy championships, I think Feb 19?

Who want's to support Patrick. All serious inquires email me for details.

Certainley does, as long as he knows we are a working family, he will not incurr any living costs but air fares etc are up to him.

Contact me thro


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Sendero, now that's the way I remember the Pro class back when, thumbs up dude!

It's the reason the NATC didn't want any more American world round contenders, they were tough, mean, lean fighting machines. So was their support crews! Pity the riders who swam with those sharks.

That's the type of tough guys Smage will have to face off with. If you go into the first turn at a supercross race, that's the same attitude you will find on both sides of you in RC and Bubba. In fact that's the same raceface you will find at the endurocross finals.

Great represenatation Sendero.

Ringo, hope your having a great trip. Snow in Big Bear dude.

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There you go again! Which one is Mary Poppins?

The old dude , or the young one?

Both from Cali, either could kick your ass! Take your pick!

If you had 100 of them, you could be National #101! What a treat!

"I scored a point and showed them youngsters something!"

If you want to be a mentor, be a "minder" like Ryan, put forth the real effort or shut up!


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If you want to be a mentor, be a "minder" like Ryan, put forth the real effort or shut up!


Man I love this guy! Really knows how to say what's on his mind.

Watchout Copenhagen, most people don't know how to deal with people who 'talk straight'.

I have an excuse... Johnny Ringo was the 'Gentleman Outlaw' who shot from the hip faster than anyone else.

Now ifn yous ta decide y'all think yer faster than me then I'll be meetin ya at the OK Corral at high noon.

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Disclaimer for the beave.

Dear Mr. Beaver,

Sendero's post, representing the despicable behavior that is so rampant in the wrestling world of television was one of pure sarcasm. He was referring to the actions that you and cityboytrials have lowered yourselves to with regards to what you feel is needed to

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Ringo, man I'm glad you were out in that motorhome, it dumped fresh powder in Big Bear. It would have been a shame to have your tracks spoil all that fresh powder skiing we had.

Why should either Citytrials or me send a resume to any current US Pro riders? We know our current jobs as minders are almost over, neither of us could stand the pain of another minder job rejection!

Edited by Mich Lin
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No worries about me spoiling any fresh powder this year. I snapped the a.c.l. in my knee on Christmas Eve.

Sadly, I'll have to delay my quest for USA World Round points this year due to surgery and rehab.

If anyone asks how I did it I'll have to lie and tell them that my parachute didn't deploy when I base jumped off the Statue of Liberty.

Good news for Dan Brown is that I wont be able to scurry in front of WR riders in the sections. :D Hmmm... maybe I can get a disablity bib???

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Sorry to hear about your knee.

Try to keep that humor.

You'll need it.

As far as I can tell, the transplant heals faster, but the graft is stronger.

My doc is a fellow named Russell Warren from NY hosp for special surgery.

He's basically the granddaddy of the ACL and he still does the NY Giants.

He uses the graft...

'Nuff said.

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Ringo, sorry to hear about your knee! Your a tough cookie and still young enough to heal in a hurry. I've got at least 25 buddies who have had this surgery and are doing fantastic, in fact I talked to one yesterday about it. She is skiing up a storm and doing well.

The ohter popular rebuilds amoung my friends is hip replacements, neck fuses and total knee replacements. If you want to talk rebuilds, just ask a stuntman!

So with you out for 06, does that mean I've got to go it alone at the US world round? Hey, last year only 13 Europeans and Japanese riders showed up, if it's the same this year, I'll grab 14th place points. :D

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